Monday, February 2, 2015

Valentine's Day Guest Post Opportunity

No, not for me, but for you!

     I hate being a Negative Nancy, but I highly dislike Valentine's Day. The hearts, the frills, the lovey-dovey letters and gifts... bleh. I've never been a touchy-feely girl, and my husband isn't all butterflies and rainbows either. We usually go out on a nice date, but we don't really do flowers and gifts and chocolates. I go buy all the chocolate the day after when it's on clearance!

     Since I seem to blog about a little of everything here, I decided I shouldn't totally disregard V-Day, but no one wants to read a post comprised of a bullet-pointed-list of why I hate Valentine's Day. So, instead of writing a piece myself, I'm giving one of you an opportunity to write something for me. In Blogworld, we call this a guest post. I've guest-posted for someone else's blog before but never had anyone do one for mine, perhaps because I've never really needed it; I have too much to say as it is! Normally I would ask a fellow blogger, but I wanted to leave this open for everyone. Perhaps you've got a great cookie/cake recipe to share. Or a hair or makeup tutorial we ladies can try for a Valentine's date. Maybe you can share an easy at-home dinner for couples who want to stay put instead of fighting for a table in a crowded restaurant! Doesn't matter at all, as long as it is somewhat related to Valentine's Day.

     Assuming I can line one of you up for a guest post, your piece will post Thursday, February 12th, at 9AM, in place of Thirty on Thursday (hey, another great idea--you can also take over Thirty on Thursday). You will email it to me by Wednesay night so I can edit and schedule it to post the next morning. I will share it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Bloglovin', and you'll receive full credit as the author. Your work must be 100% original; I'm an English teacher, and I can smell plagiarism from a mile away. I really hope one of you decides to take me up on this! If not, not only will I feel a little defeated and totally awkward, but there will probably not be a post about Valentine's Day. Maybe you can change my mind about my distaste for Valentine's Day!

Email me at or inbox me on any of my social networks for more details if you're interested. Like I said, this is open to everyone, and if multiple people contact me, I may try to figure out a way to roll you all into one post or schedule you for a guest-post in the future. If you've ever considered starting a blog, now is your chance to get a taste of that life :)

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