Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Do I shut you down, or do I keep going?

"Do I shut you down, or do I keep going?"

That's a question I've had to ask myself a few times lately. About people. Life things. This blog, no doubt.

Hi, I'm Kate, and I'm a recovering blogger, turned network marketer, who literally got her start in networking through this blog (isn't it a cute little website??) and now can't even remember the last time she posted... And I mean truly posted. Not a sponsored ad or a product review,but a real post.

I still get emails all the time about writing a sponsored post, and I turn almost all of them down because WHOOOO has time these days?? Not only that, but I don't feel great about accepting, participating in, and getting paid for a sponsored post when I am hardly documenting my life here anymore.

What I would really love to do is come back to the blog and make it the space it used to be--a place for me to keep you guys updated on me, my journey, my family, my life. At the same time, I know the dedication and time I have to put into this blog in order to keep those updates coming regularly; its a lot of work! And it's a lot of work I feel that, despite being a work-from-home mom full time now, I don't have time for. I still don't have WIFI at my house (it's like we live in 1997 or something) and now when I head out to get work done at Starbucks or a nearby cafĂ©, I'm typically chatting with new team members, customers, or wrapping people because ItWorks has taken over my life in the best way, and almost all of my ventures outside the home pertain to my business.

So what's been up?!

I am now a Triple Diamond with ItWorks! Global. I started this business on December 29th, 2015, on a whim. Most of you reading this probably remember that I was a teacher before retiring to be with ItWorks full time, and I absolutely hated it. It didn't take me long to discover that teaching was just not what made me happy, nor did I feel as if it was what the Lord intended for me to do with the rest of my life.
I quickly found that I had a passion for ItWorks that went hand in hand with my passion and love for fitness and healthy living. ItWorks has allowed me to share that journey with others and introduce my family and friends to products and a business that is changing lives each and every day, my own included!

At the time I'm writing this post, Vaught is three years old; today is his third birthday actually! Oh my goodness at how time flies and how he's grown. He is the sweetest, smartest, most loving child. He seriously brightens every single day; I am so grateful to be able to stay home with him!

I am still maintaining my weight loss from earlier this year, but I've not really lost anymore. I did gain some back (about 13 pounds), but I quickly lost it. I have to get on the scale regularly, or I will regress without even realizing it. If I'm not tracking my food daily and weighing a couple times a week, I will gain weight back. That's the biggest mistake I made last fall. My scale broke sometime around late October or early November and I avoided weighing altogether. Next thing I knew, I was back at my highest recorded weight since before I was pregnant with Vaught.

I'm working out at Orange Theory Fitness now, which has a studio about four miles from my house. I love the workouts! I'm getting in my weight training, along with some good cardio. I love challenging myself to see how many minutes I can get in the "orange zone" during each workout! And of course I'm obsessed with seeing and feeling my body change week to week. Every workout really challenges and pushes me; I'm always excited to see what the next fifty minute class will bring!

In May, I bought my dream vehicle, a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon (that's a pretty extensive name haha!) Because of ItWorks, I was able to make a five-figure down payment on it, and I also traded in my old car. For the first time in my adult years, I feel as if I made a big purchase the correct way, and I didn't feel as if I'd been cheated the second I drove off the lot. I didn't exactly get the interest rate I wanted though, so I'm saving up and am going to refinance with my insurance company in December or January... #adultingaf

It's that time of year again... FOOTBALL (cue the feels). I am so excited to be back in the Grove this fall, despite a Rebel team I'm not as confident about this year as I was the previous years. But I'm handing them much better than I am the NFL right now, so there's that.

Overall, I'd have to say things are going well. Not perfect, but nothing is. Life's crazy and busy a lot lately, but I'm making it. I hope to get some more updates and recipes posted for you all soon, so keep checking back!