Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Mom's Day Off

    Two weeks ago, my new principal arranged for the two of us plus another 6th grade English teacher to meet at the school and discuss goals for the upcoming year. I knew the meeting wouldn't last long, but since I would have to take Vaught to daycare in order to attend, I decided to arrange for a little "me time" afterwards. Even though I enjoy the time I have to myself at the gym or when I go grocery shopping alone, it's been a while since I've had an entire day to just relax and be alone.

    Our meeting was at nine, and based on an estimated leave time at 10:30, I thought of so many things I could go and do or get done. I could...

--get my nails done.
--work out and tan.
--go shopping.
--go thrift store shopping.
--see a movie.
--grab a few new books at Barnes & Noble.
--go home and clean.
--take a nap.

    I debated doing all of these things, but decided on the two that would probably cost me the least amount of money, besides staying home: seeing a movie and hitting the gym!

    I was actually really excited to be having this meeting with my principal. He was genuinely interested in the workshop I recently attended and wanted my ideas for how we could use what I learned in the upcoming school year. When I got my first teaching job three years ago, I didn't hear from my principal all summer until the day I started work at the school. I was never asked, by my principal, or anyone else for that matter, about the workshops and conferences I attended. I was never asked for my input or suggestions, so knowing that my principal was so excited about what I had to share made me feel confident and excited for next year! He also gave me a tour of the school and showed me my new classroom. I love that this is my third time in three years of teaching to be located at the end of a hallway. I can't wait to start decorating my room!

    Can we appreciate that I still know how to dress like a teacher? Leggings are my go-to. Also, take note that I'm wearing pink... That never happens.
    I left the school a little after eleven and had just enough time to run home, let the dogs out, change into comfier clothes for the movie, and submit an assignment for one of my online grad classes. My movie was at 12:30, so I got there in time to get Coke and popcorn and a good seat! I saw Jurassic World, and if you've not seen it, you really are missing out! I love the original Jurassic Park movies and thought this new one paid great homage to the originals in several scenes.

    I had put my gym bag in the car that morning, so I went straight from the theatre to the gym. I completed a good leg workout without squatting too heavy (I pulled a muscle last week). I did some ab work after then tanned... I know fake baking is terrible, please don't remind me.

    By the time I left the gym, it was after four; my "day off" was already over! I headed straight to Vaught's daycare to pick him up, and he was so glad to see me. Likewise for me--I'd missed that little chunk! We met Eric at our favorite Mexican joint for dinner. We forgot a spoon for Vaught, so we improvised with a suck-suck I still keep in his diaper bag for some crazy reason. As long as he gets his guacamole, he's good to go!
Grilled chicken and veggies: my new favorite Mex plate!

    I enjoyed my day to myself, but do we ever really get a day off, Mamas? I don't think so. I wasn't at all worried about Vaught today, but I did think of him often. I guess I felt a little guilty that I left my meeting and went to do a few things for me instead of going to pick him up. Overall, I think it's healthy for us to get a some time to ourselves, but I sure was happy when he was back in my arms!

What do you like to do for "you time?"
Have you ever taken a mom-day-off?

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Week 4 Progress// 9 Months After Baby

    Sorry for not getting my progress update posted yesterday--we were busy busy! Week four has been awesome with an additional TWO pound loss! I've lost 11.5 pounds in four weeks of healthy eating and exercise! And a little help from ItWorks! I've been taking Greens almost every day and Thermofit once a day. I ran out of Thermofit several days ago and am waiting on my new shipment to get here. I love ItWorks, but their shipping takes sooo long! If you're interested in the products, please contact me and I'll put you in touch with a great distributor!
I enjoyed watching this photo go viral in the ItWorks! world Friday afternoon :)
     Slow and steady wins the race, y'all. I was talking about my losses with my husband last night, and he reminded me that though two pounds doesn't seem like much, if I keep it up I'll lose 40 pounds in about five months. Focusing on the bigger picture helps keep me motivated. Although I want to stray from being too concerned with numbers, I think a 40 pound loss is a pretty good goal.. That would put my weight at a healthy BMI for my height.

    I'm still going strong in the gym and can definitely see and feel some changes this week. I pulled a muscle in my leg a few nights ago, so no lower body for a few days. Bummer.

My biggest struggle is getting easier and easier. We had friends over for a cookout Friday night, and though I ate more than I do most days, I still managed to stick to my goals and not overeat to the point of discomfort. I did enjoy a little rotel dip, but my sweet husband grilled a turkey burger for me instead of regular beef burger. He didn't even make a big deal about it either... I don't think anyone noticed :) I did have an 8 ounce bottled Coke at my friend's wedding reception yesterday; it was all the bliss I needed. Back to no soda for another few weeks!
Sweetened iced coffee with my own added cream.
    My Starbucks addiction craving has gotten so much better, despite serious withdrawals in the first couple weeks. I still drop in once or twice a week, but I get a tall or grande iced black coffee and add my own cream. A few days ago in Target I ordered an iced latte with one pump of cinnamon dolce... Well, I'm pretty sure they gave me a regular iced cinnamon dolce latte because within an hour I was so sick to my stomach, I had to rush home. If you go a month without a sugary beverage then indulge in one, do it in close proximity to a toilet or trash bin. Or both. #horrifying

Body After Baby

    If I were still talking about being post-partum, I'd be nine months post-partum today. Nine months our little guy has been living on the outside, and I've been working on myself so that I can be the best, healthiest mom and wife possible. Weight loss is not easy, guys. Not at all, especially when you've struggled with weight and food your entire life. We all have some sort of trial in our lives that will test us more than once, possibly forever... Mine is an addiction to food, a never-ending battle of trying to figure out when enough is enough. Slowly but surely, I'm learning. I pay close attention to how I feel as I eat. This tastes good, so eat slowly and enjoy it. Are you full? Wait a couple of minutes to see. Take your time, Kate. These are all things I tell myself in my head while eating. I'm so glad people can't read my mind while I'm eating. They'd probably think I'm as crazy as I sometimes feel.

    Can we talk about happiness? Motherhood has been wonderful to me, and I'm truly happier than I could have ever imagined. I'm not where I'd like to be yet, body or health-wise, but I'm well on my way. I have such a loving, supportive family and an amazing group of friends who are cheering me on every step of the way. I can't tell you how much you all mean to me!

    I hope you'll continue following along as I strive for a happy, healthy life. I love meeting new people, so don't be a stranger! Leave a comment and introduce yourself!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Vaught: 9 Months Old

It's been nine months already?!

Weight: 22 pounds, 4 ounces
Length: 29 inches 

Food: There's not much this boy doesn't like. He's going to have a good appetite like his dad! He takes formula a few times a day and eats a spoon-fed meal twice a day. He loves feeding himself organic puffs and teething wafers by HappyFamily (HappyBaby) brand. I also like offering him a taste of whatever we're eating (soft bread, pancakes, yogurt). He tasted key lime pie yogurt yesterday; not a fan!

Sleep: He sleeps 10-12 hours at night in his crib and takes two good naps each day. Sometimes he'll take three naps, but the third one will be short--usually less than an hour. About once a week he wakes up in the middle of the night crying and has to be soothed back to sleep after a diaper change and bottle. When I go into his room when this happens, he's usually stuck or twisted in a funny position and can't get "un-stuck." It's cute but also kinda heartbreaking.

Clothes: Vaught wears size 9-12 month, and I'm buying 18 months and up right now. I try not to buy too much though because his grandmothers get him a lot!

Teeth: Vaught has two adorable bottom teeth and two top ones that have just made their appearance in the past week or two. He's not been irritable or fussy with teething, but I sometimes feel like I need therapy after handling his dirty diapers.

Movement: No crawling yet, which is fine with me. I'm enjoying his immobility a little while longer. He's a sneaky little thing though and can scoot and wiggle across the floor on his bottom. He will turn to his side and rock like he's about to crawl, but instead goes to his tummy and "swims" across the floor.

Words: Vaught says mama, dada, Lola "wo-ah," and "uh-oh!" You have to add me on Facebook to see the uh-oh video. It's sure to make your day!

Personality: At nine months old, I just have to say that I don't think this boy could be any sweeter. He is so friendly and loving and grins and giggles at everyone who catches his eye. He rarely fusses or cries, and when he does, he's pretty easy to soothe. I feel like he's just going to be this easy-going, laid back little guy, just like his dad! I think he'll be friendly and happy like his mom. He seems to be the perfect mixture of the two of us.


Come back Saturday for my week four fitness update!

Wednesday At-Home Workout

    It's probably the most peaceful evening I've had in a while... Vaught went down for an evening nap a little more than an hour ago. I snuck in a good thirty minute workout, showered, and am now curled up in bed with my laptop and Lola. Eric is observing his friend teach tonight (he teaches a program similar to what Eric will soon be teaching), but he should be home within the hour. I have no idea what we're having for supper, but I don't even care. I just want to bask in the solitude of "right now." I seriously should take up yoga.

    Since Eric is getting home a little later, I changed clothes and laced up my shoes for a workout in my living room. Remember Thirty on Thursday? It was kind of like that, only I wasn't determined to burn a bunch of calories; I just wanted a good, solid workout! The one I did tonight was half an hour, and I burnt right at about 200 calories; not bad for a Wednesday! Give it a try in your living room next time you need a little sweat! I alternated between eight and five pound dumbbells for this workout.

1 minute: jog in place
25 jumping jacks

First Set:
10 squats with shoulder press
15 upward rows
10 lunges (each leg)
10 pushups
25 standard crunches
Repeat for two total sets

Second Set:
10 pulsating narrow squats (Hold a dumbbell goblet-style to your chest for a little challenge).
10 shoulder raises
10 lateral raises
25 jumping jacks
Repeat for two total sets

Third Set:
15 bent-over rows
15 chest flies
10 lunges (each leg)
10 push-ups
25 reverse crunches
Repeat for two total sets

Vaught is still sleeping... Time to catch up on OITNB!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Bye, Fitstagram!

    So, I'm deleting my Fitstagram account, healthyhappyk8. I've enjoyed it for the nearly two years I've had it, but I feel like it's far too complicated and confusing trying to run two different Instagram accounts that basically revolve around the same thing: my journey in becoming a happier, healthier self. The only difference in my personal and fitness accounts on Instagram is that I only post photos that pertain to fitness or healthy eating on HealthyHappyK8. In theory, I post the same things on my personal account, just not as many. And of course I have to throw in a few family posts/Vaught spam. I can't keep that precious baby from the world!

    I've been running HealthyHappyK8 so that I wouldn't annoy followers on my personal, but really, who cares? This is my life, and fitness and health are two things I love. Even when I've been much heavier than I am now I loved working out. I loved eating healthy things and cooking nutritious meals. It's just who I am. I get that the fitness posts can be annoying sometimes, especially in excess, but I don't want to feel hindered from who I am and the things I'm doing in my life. I am working out nearly every day, eating well, cooking new and delicious healthy meals, and whipping up some awesome smoothies that would be wrong not to share with others!

    Then there's the support I receive from both accounts. It's amazing. The encouraging comments and messages always brighten my day! Even still, I feel as if it's confusing to people who know me and even some who don't. As a blogger, Instagram is perhaps the biggest platform I've used to grow my blog. I'm so happy with how it's expanded, and I've enjoyed meeting other bloggers and fit moms on Insta who share my passion. I interact with most of them through my personal Instagram account, so I know it has to be strange that though much of my life revolves around living healthily, I talk about it primarily on another account. As a lifestyle blogger, I feel that it's best I stick with just one account. Food, fitness, and health are vital parts of who I am; I shouldn't be ashamed or afraid of showing that. As a blogger, I'm my own brand. I don't need two Instagram accounts to promote what I do.

    Wrapping up, it's probably a bit odd that I dedicated an entire post to saying goodbye to my fitness account (I'll be deleting it in a few hours). My fitness posts and updates aren't going anywhere though. I'm just making a goal to be less self-conscious and a little more proud of the things I'm doing and progress I'm making and posting that corner of my life to my original account. I hope you'll continue following :)

Monday, June 22, 2015

To me, it was just a flower.

    To me, it was just a flower. A daisy. No big deal. I've seen a million of them. They're pretty but nothing spectacular.
    To you? It was magic. This new, brightly colored, soft thing that you'd never seen before was suddenly the object of your affection. You clutched it in your hand, turning it over and around as you marveled at it. You held on to it as I strolled you across the square. You were still in awe half an hour later when it was time to leave. When I pried it out of your hand to put you in your car seat, you cried. I put it on the top of the car and strapped you in your seat, where you continued to squawl. I didn't want to run the risk of you eating it (or choking on it) on the way home, but what the heck--I gave it back to you. You calmed down immediately and smiled. I didn't hear a peep out of you the whole way home. When we parked in the garage, I went to get you out and you were fast asleep, the purple daisy pretty much destroyed by now, but still clutched in your precious, tiny hand. I laid you down for a nap, and then I went to my bedroom to cry. And pray.
    The little things I think nothing of are everything to you. I realized it was your first time to see a flower up close, and I merely shrugged this off, just happy that you were entertained. I prayed for you, my little one, and then I prayed that God make me more like you. If I could be as amazed at the beauty around me each day as you were by one little flower, I'd probably be in pretty good shape.
    Someday, for whatever reason, someone will tell you to take time to stop and smell the flowers, and I'll be there to tell you about a time when you did. Never stop appreciating the beauty in the small things, my precious love.


Sunday, June 21, 2015

A very happy Father's Day announcement


    Of all of Eric's strengths, loving Vaught and me is definitely his strongest. He always does what is best for us as a family, and I couldn't be more grateful. That's why when a new job opportunity presented itself about a month ago, Eric prayed for guidance in his inquiry. "I just want to do what's best for us," he told me time and time again. "I've got to know that this is what's best." As his wife, I prayed for him and encouraged him. We sat at the kitchen table and went over the pros and cons (multiple times). Together, we decided that he should go for it.

 A community college near our home is starting a new CNC machining program, and a few weeks ago they reached out to Eric for help. In need of a good, experienced machinist to head the new program, they had heard impressive things about him and his skills from one of Eric's friends who teaches at another college. Eric interviewed with the Dean of the school and three other "important people" as he says, and then we began a four day waiting period. 

    Last Tuesday, Eric got the call; he got the job and is now an instructor at the college! He will start in August for the new school year. We're both so excited about this new journey for him and for our family. Along with a modest salary increase (he's got killer negotiation skills, people), there are so many more benefits to this job, including better insurance, summers off, pension upon retirement, and much more. Although we'd begun thinking about moving to the northeastern side of the state a couple months ago, something told me to take the teaching job close to our current home. I just had this odd feeling that something good was coming our way. Less than a month after I accepted, this amazing opportunity came to Eric. 

He says that this is the job he wants to retire from, and I support him 100%. This is the life he wants to build for us as a family, and we're looking forward to the days ahead. 

So, today I'm thankful for the man I proudly call the father of my son and my husband. I'm thankful for his love and his faith in God's guidance. Happy Father's Day to him, to all you dads. We love you and are so thankful for all that you do for our families! 

And congratulations, Eric, a new college instructor!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Week Three Progress

   Three weeks of healthy eating and exercising have paid off; I'm down a pound and a half this week! Total loss so far this summer is 9.5 pounds!


    Okay, so it's only nine and a half pounds, but is the physical difference as drastic to your eyes as it is to mine?? This is three solid weeks now of clean eating, 3-4 weight-lifting sessions each week, and at least two short sessions of cardio. I also go for a walk/stroll/jog with Vaught almost every day, but we were lazy this week and only went once!

    I've reached the point where the weight loss begins to level off and isn't so drastic. This is usually the part where I begin slipping on my eating. This is usually where I begin giving up. No, not today. I've continued eating really well, rarely going over my caloric intake, which I track using MyFitnessPal. I'm not as obsessed with counting calories as I used to be, but I have to track in order for this to work. Someday, I hope I don't have to carry around my phone or a notebook to log every bite I take, but I'm still working on portion control. It's a journey after all, right? There was one time I overate a good bit this week; it was at Maria's Cantina Thursday night. I snacked on chips, salsa, guacamole, and a teensy bit of cheese dip! I ate half of my whole wheat chicken burrito and took the rest home. But I had two strawberry margaritas (heart eyes emoticon). I LOVE margs and hadn't had one in so long! It was well worth the nutrition splurge. And I still lost weight this week!
Tuesday morning breakfast and snack for later!

Have you tried Subway's salads?? They're delicious!

I made the BEST peanut butter, banana protein smoothie last night!
3 ice cubes
1 frozen banana, chopped
1/4 C 2% milk
1 tbls peanut butter
1 tbls Cellucor Cinnamon Swirl whey protein

Last night's dinner: 1/2 baked sweet potato, 1/4 cup southern style quinoa, 1/2 cup sautéed squash and zucchini, 3 ounces of baked chicken!

ONE of Thursday night's margaritas.... !!!

    My workouts have been amazing, but that's not really anything new ;) I give it my all when I go to the gym. That's the one hour I get to be completely alone (at least in my head) and take out my frustrations in the squat rack or free weights or on the treadmill. I absolutely love it. I posted my HIIT treadmill workout a few days ago, so I hope some of you have given it a try. I did it again last night and was sweating like crazy by the end. It's total of about 1.3 miles, and I burnt about 240 calories just from that time on the tread!

    I've drank my Greens three times this week and taken a Thermofit pill twice. I'm still waiting for my new shipment to come in. I've done well not using the products as much this week, which makes me think I'll be perfectly fine when I decide to no longer use the weight loss supplements. I'm actually really excited to try their skin care line!
    I'm working on a post about these, but my biggest one is from Thursday night, pre-margaritas. I'm wearing white linen shorts and a Piko top. I love Pikos but loathe the sleeves... Like, is it really necessary that they be so dang tight?! Anyway, the sleeves weren't too tight, and this size large was actually pretty big on me. The shorts are a size XL from Old Navy. I felt fit and pretty :)
     I hope to see more progress next week for week four. With Father's Day this weekend, we've got a few family things going on, so I hope to keep eating healthy and making time for a little exercise. On a not-so-nutritious note, did you miss the Instagram post about my husband KILLING the five pound burrito challenge? He got his picture on their wall of fame and won $100!!