Monday, March 30, 2015

A little of this, a half of that; add water and mash.

The blog title is really all there is to making your own baby food for your little one!

I swore to myself I wouldnt' be "that mom." I'm not anal about Vaught's outfits matching (I have no idea how to dress a baby, but I'm getting better). I didn't try to keep him away from everything that breathes during cold and flu season. Did he get sick? Yeah, a little. Did he survive. Yep. I don't Lysol my house every day (more like once a week, at best). AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON PINTEREST BIRTHDAY PARTIES. So, why do I spend an hour every week making and storing Vaught's solids? Because I'm determined to ensure the healthiest options for him as a baby and beyond.

Eric and I have talked about this since before Vaught was born: it's important to us that Vaught eat healthily from the very beginning. We love eating wholesome, healthy food in our home (Eric just eats a lot more than I do), and we both want our son to see us eating this way so that he'll be more adept at following suit when he's older.

 Eric and I were both raised on carbs, sugar, and high fructose corn syrup, but we can't blame our parents at all. The parents of our generation weren't obsessed with their kids' diets and the pantry like parents are today. I don't think we really knew that much about what all went into snack foods and drinks at that time like we do now. We want to be sure that Vaught's getting the nutrients that he needs and what better way to do that than prepare his food myself from locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables?

There's really not a science behind making your own food for baby. Mash things up or puree them in a blender with a little water, and you're good to go! All I did before starting was a Web search on
how to properly store certain foods, like avocado, to ensure that they stay fresh and edible for baby.

I spend about $10 every couple of weeks on fruits/vegetables for his food; I haven't bought a container of baby food in nearly two months!

Pour 1/4 cup of berries into a bowl and add a tablespoon of water. Microwave one minute then crush and stir with a fork OR: this actually works much better when put through the blender, as it crushes up the skin better. I don't always like pulling the blender out though, so I do this with just a fork sometimes. I also like adding a bit of rice cereal to thicken.

Chop up 1/2 banana into a bowl and add water for desired consistency. Mash and stir with a fork. We freeze our banana mixture then set in the refrigerator to thaw. It can be warmed up pretty quickly in the microwave. Banana is the only thing we've tried that needs to be frozen if he doesn't eat it right away.

 Sweet Potato
Microwave or bake a sweet potato and spoon 1/2 into a bowl. Add water and mash to desired consistency.

 Avocado (Vaught's Favorite!)
Cut in half and spoon one half into a bowl. Add water and mash to desired consistency. To keep it from browning, squirt some lemon juice on top of what's left before refrigerating. Try to eat avocados within a couple of days, as they ripen quickly!

 All of these, aside from the banana, can be kept in the refrigerator for several days, but you will need to eat the avocado quickly. Freeze bananas then set out to thaw in the fridge. Banana can also be warmed up in the microwave pretty quickly. We're going to try some new things like papaya, squash, and pears this week!

 Vaught seems to like trying new flavors, and the only thing we've discovered that he dislikes is plain mashed potato. We are trying to stay away from sugar, high fructose corn syrup, salt, and cow's milk until he's about a year old. Does this mean I'm going to wig out when one of his sneaky grandparents gives him a taste of chocolate, kool-aid, fruit juice, or ice cream? No! That's what grandparents are supposed to do! We were dining out at our favorite steakhouse a few weeks ago when I looked down the table to see my Dad giving Vaught a sip of Coke!

We're just taking the steps to keep Vaught healthy and happy. I swear I'm not "one of those moms." I'm not at all concerned about Vaught growing too fast or being "fat." He's a little boy, and he's our little boy; of course he's going to be a chunk! Our main goal is to feed him wholesome fruits and vegetables and get that little tummy ready for healthy food he can enjoy with his mom and dad!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Six Months Postpartum

I'm six months and a few days postpartum, and after this update, I am done calling myself postpartum! It's been an amazing six months; I've learned so much about myself and am in love with how my body has changed and progressed!

Pounds gained in pregnancy: 29
Pounds lost since delivery: 49
To go: 15... kinda. Another fifteen pounds lost will bring me to a weight I think I'd be comfortable at for a little while. It's not the stopping point, but it's where I would ideally like to be by summer time!
I LOVE this progress! This is what you can do when you put your heart in it!

What do I really look like?

    Obviously I use good angles to my advantage when taking my progress selfies. Who doesn't? I re-downloaded the Timer Cam app today (I hadn't had it since I was using it to take bumpdate photos) and was playing around with it... I wanted to show y'all a photo of me in "normal clothes" because as hard as it is to believe, I'm not always in my Fabletics or Nike attire! So I took the photo below...
    As you can see, I am by no means thin. I'm thinner, but far from skinny! The jeans I have on in this photo are a size 14 with wiggle room in the waist--two sizes smaller than the largest I have been. My legs and booty are and will always be thick! I like having strong, sturdy legs though! I like being able to squat lots of weight!

FitFluential Ambassador

     If you follow me on Instagram, you saw I got some awesome news Wednesday... I was approved to be a FitFluential Ambassador!! FitFluential Interactive is a company promoting fitness and well-living amongst individuals who share a passion for health and fitness. A fellow fit mama friend told me about it and recommended I apply to the ambassador program. I was skeptical while reading the requirements and reading about the other ambassadors; they all seemed to have an enormous social audience and following (many of them up to twenty thousand followers). I thought there was no way I'd get in, but what the heck--I'd give it a try! I submitted all my information, told them a little about myself, my journey, and my goals, and then patiently anxiously waited for nearly a month. I was driving to class in Oxford when I heard the ping! of my email and read the message. I am so honored and excited to be a part of FitFluential! I can't wait to learn more and be an active part of their ambassador program! Ambassadorships are amazing when trying to promote yourself as a blogger/fit mom. Check out the other company I'm affiliated with, For Two Fitness!

Up Next

I may possibly have some more good news by the end of today... Not sure yet, as things are very much still up in the air. Okay, sorry, I just can't say much!! I'm nervous but excited!

And I'm so humbled by all the opportunities I've had by sharing my journey with others. It is incredibly encouraging to see so many of you supporting me and cheering me on. Each of you means so much!!

Have a great weekend! Go work out!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Vaught:: Six Months

What can I say about the past six months that I've not already said? I keep thinking there's no possible way we could love this boy any more... And it seems that we are proven wrong with each passing day! I had all these big ideas about motherhood, but they have surpassed even my greatest expectations. God has blessed us with the sweetest, happiest little boy!

Weight: 18 lbs, 1 oz. He has gained exactly TEN pounds since birth!
Length: ??  Not sure until we visit the doctor Monday.

    Vaught is such a good eater, which I love! I make most of his baby food myself and am working on a post about that, hopefully to be shared by Monday! Vaught has two really big developments for month six: one is that he is now a sitter-upper! The other is that he can let us know when he's ready to go lay down. This has been a long time coming, especially with sleep training, so it's not entirely new. But it's still a good one to mention! Vaught squirms, rubs his eyes, and throws his little head into my chest when he's ready to be put in bed for naptimes and nighttime. He goes right to sleep; no fussing, no crying. He sleeps all night in his crib in his bedroom and has since he was a few weeks old. We may not do everything right, but we nailed sleep training on the head! Vaught can sound out a few syllables now, including "wuh" and "muh." He's getting ready for those first words! I'm totally okay with his "happy screaming" for now. Anyone else's baby "happy scream?"

    He wears a size three diaper, but we recently began a campaign for a size four. Size four is a little big, but we were still honored to be invited to give these diapers a try. I'm excited to share more about that soon!

    Vaught's clothes range from six to twelve months. Most of his sleepers are now nine month. I'm learning how to dress a baby... I love dressing him like a little boy; I don't put him in "froo-froo" clothes. That's what his Bebe and Mimi are for.

     Vaught drinks 30-40 ounces of formula each day and eats solids like a champ! He loves avocado, bananas, sweet potatoes, blueberries, rice cereal, and green beans! I make his food myself and love doing it--I love knowing exactly what our little guy is getting. Plus, it's cheaper and easier! I haven't been a "crazy mom" over lots of things, but I do love making sure that Chubs is getting all the nutrition he needs. Look for a post about this in the next week :)


I could cry sometimes when I look at him, how beautiful and perfect he is. We just love him so! The past six months have been wonderful to us, and we are looking forward to many, many more!

Up Next:
Six Months Post-Partum Update will post FRIDAY!!! Come back for some progress selfies of your favorite fit mama! I am your favorite, right? :)

Vaught's Mimi and Pawpaw from Virginia are flying in on April 10th; we're SO excited to see them again! They spent a week with us when Vaught was two weeks old and haven't seen them since. Vaught is ready for lots of loving!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

We get it; you work out.


     A few weeks ago, someone close to me said, "I just really don't like these selfies you post." She was scrolling through my Instagram feed at the time, furrowing her brow at some of my photos. If you follow me on Instagram, then you've noticed I post somewhat frequently about my workouts, usually with a sweaty gym mirror shot and one of my Polar watch. Because I'm super cool like that. 

     I walked out of the room for a moment, as I felt myself becoming embarrassed but more than that, hurt. Since this person is so close to me, I felt ashamed, like she was telling me I was self-obsessed or something of that nature. I knew she disliked when people posted photos of themselves; I'd heard her say it many times. But my "gym selfies," in my opinion were a little different.  I decided I had to say something.

    "Mom, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked as I stepped inside her office. She looked up at me smiling until she saw I had tears in my eyes. "What's wrong?" she asked, almost frantically. I sat down and told her that her comment combined with post-pregnancy hormones (they're a bitch) had hurt my feelings. I told her that she knew she'd raised me to not be a self-righteous, pompous person and that I would never post those photos as a means of seeking attention. "For the first time in my life, I am happy with myself," I told her. I told her that I don't post those photos for attention or for comments or for people to know that I work out. "I know I could never post any photos like that and people would know that I work out," I said. "They'll see my progress eventually." This is where I told myself that I was being extremely dramatic... But I had to finish. My mother is my best friend, and her support means more to me than anyone's, and I made sure she knew that. "If my pictures can motivate just one person, then I'm happy," I told her. "If one person gets off the couch or flushes their diet pills down the drain, then I've done my job, and I can't ask for anything else. I'm sorry you don't like those pictures, but other people do. It's okay that you don't understand why I post them; they're not for you." I finished by telling her the most basic part of all of it: katecooperpace is my Instagram account. No one else's. 

     I can't tell you how many times I've been situated at home, convinced that I wasn't going to the gym that day/night, then saw the sweaty selfie of someone who did. Nine times out of ten, I picked myself up and went to the gym too. While I'm sitting on my butt, someone out there is getting stronger, faster, healthier. Can the pictures be an overshare sometimes? Gosh, yes. I get it, they can be annoying. But they do the job. For me, if just one person gets up and works out, that is enough. After talking about it with my mom, she couldn't stop apologizing, and of course I told her it wasn't necessary. It really wasn't. She raised us to be kind and selfless, far from self-absorbed. I understood her point of view, but I had to make sure that she understood mine. 

     I don't think I'm hot. I don't need you to tell me I look good. I don't care if you "like" it or not. Slowly but surely, I'm making progress, and I want to share it. Yes, I am proud, but I'm also extremely humbled, for I know what it feels like to be unhappy with yourself. For years. I know what some people think, and I'm perfectly okay with that. I hope that someday they can be happy, too. 

 I'll end with saying that I can't imagine being someone who can't make fun of herself now and then. These e-cards are hilarious! Do what you do and be yourself. Don't ever let anyone make you feel guilty for it. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Email for Kids

Disclaimer: I received a free six month trial of Kids Email, as well as compensation for this post; all opinions are solely my own.

     Do you remember your very first email address? Sure ya do! How can you forget when it was something along the lines of "2cute4u[@]yahoo[.]com" or "rebelgrl13[@]gmail[.]com?" Oh no, no one forgets those email addresses! Mine, for the longest time, was colebabyz (followed by a series of numbers), a Yahoo account that my oldest sister's boyfriend at the time, a long-haired guy named Jerry, helped me set up. He and my sister met at college, and I wanted an email address so I could email them. It was so cool and made me feel like a grownup; every few days my mom or dad would help me log on, and I almost always had an email from my sister!
     Unfortunately as we advance in technology, we are becoming more and more aware and cautious of what we're doing online. Parents are especially cautious of their adolescent and preteen children being on the Internet and for good reason! But I was recently introduced to a company who provides a safe, secure, and fun way for kids to have their first real email account: Kids Email!

     I set up my own account with ease then made an account for Vaught. I loved the detailed settings that I could put in place for him! Obviously at six months old, he doesn't really need an email account, but I began thinking of my two young nieces, school-aged cousins, and the children I babysat growing up-- Kids Email would be perfect for them! How cool it is that you can all kinds of preferences to your child's email account! I opted to be sent a copy of the emails sent and received, filter out "bad words," and only allow his email account to receive email from the email addresses programmed into his account. There are so many useful settings you can apply to the account to make sure that your child is safe while accessing his or her email. I even noticed that there is an option to ground them from using the email... But I hope I don't have to use that one for a long time!

     Kids Email can be used on iOS, Android, and Web platforms and is super affordable, as low as $2.99 per month for up to six email accounts! Not sure if you want to commit? No worries--sign up for a free 30 day trial!

     Would I recommend Kids Email as an email service for your children? Absolutely! Whether they're gearing up for elementary school or high school, Kids Email offers something for everyone! As a mom, blogger, and brand influencer, I highly recommend Kids Email to ensure the safest experience for your little ones online!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Confessions of a Prodigal Son [Christian Movie Review]

I received a free DVD copy of Confessions of a Prodigal Son and was compensated for this post.  

     A couple of weeks ago, I was contacted by the executive producer of a new Christian film, Confessions of a Prodigal Son, about an opportunity to view a private screening and post my review of the movie. Although movie reviews aren't generally the type of thing found on Keeping Pace, I jumped at the chance. Reason number one: I love movies. Reason number two: I love a Christian movie because I know that it's going to open my eyes in some way, regardless of the plot.

     This one did in more than just one way. The movie follows Sean, a college-aged kid who sets out on his own, leaving his faith-based household behind. After an argument with his parents, he convinces them to give him half of his college fund so that he can leave their home to live his own life. Sounds familiar, right? His father, a pastor, promises Sean the other half of his college fund if he can make it two years on his own. Seans spends the money on what typical college kids spend their money on: lots of alcohol. And lots of partying.

      I'll talk a little about the main characters you meet in the film, and I thought it was amazing how I could relate to each one in some way. Sean, of course, is an obvious given. No, I didn't distance myself from my parents once I moved to college, but I understand his desire to get away and "live his own life." I know what it's like to be a rebellious college kid with your parents' money and not a care in the world. Like Sean, I also know the repercussions. You'll have to see the movie to find out how it all works out for him.
Professor Truman holds a minor but important role as the
college professor who encourages Sean to figure out what his
life story will be about.
     Sean's best friend is Cameron, and we've all had a Cameron in our lives! He's the typical bad guy, the bad-behavior enabler and fan of all things dangerous. Without disclosing the details on the plot, I think the production company's next movie should be a sequel trailing Cameron's life without Sean as his partner in crime :)

     Then there's Ali, the waitress Sean meets in a diner after a night of partying. She is sweet, beautiful, wholesome, the very opposite of the women who usually catch Sean's attention. Of course she is my favorite character from the entire movie!

     And finally we have Sean's parents, starring Kevin Sorbo as Sean's pastor father. As a mother, I probably found them most relatable, despite my son being just six months old. I found their love for their rebellious son incredibly believable. I cried happy tears at the end. Sorry, can't say too much just yet!

     While I would give most of the actors in the film a solid B minus, that's not what is important about Confessions of a Prodigal Son. I think back on other modern Christian movies I have seen, and while I didn't care much for the actors, I always loved the message behind the plot. The message in Confessions of a Prodigal Son? Redemption. Forgiveness. And the peace you are brought when you realize that you can always come home. Not just to mom and dad, but to God.

     Watching the movie, I began to think of all the times I've been lead astray in my life. Not just away from home but away from my morals, from the values my parents instilled in me. And from God, my true Father. This movie reminded me of what I always had to figure out by talking to God: I can always come home. And just like my parents, my God is always there, always waiting with His arms wide open. He wants me, and He wants you. All you have to do is go to Him... I can't promise that you'll never find yourself wandering, but you will never regret coming to God.

I hope my review makes you as excited for the release of the film as I am! You can own it on DVD and Digital HD on Tuesday, March 24th! Although I've been given my own copy of the DVD, I have contacted the executive producer again to see if maybe I can get another one to give away. Fingers crossed, guys!
Visit the Facebook page for the film here.

Friday, March 20, 2015

I'm still here...

Would you believe me if I told you that I have been a major pain in the butt for the past 48 hours?

     Well, believe it because I have. No, it's not that time--that time, by the way, is incredibly unpredictable after having a baby, so watch out for that. I'm just in a bit of a funk, and I've not had a great past two days. On Wednesday, I narrowly avoided becoming a victim of the most textbook Craigslist scam there ever was. It's so humiliating that I'm still debating whether or not I should tell you all about it... But it's so funny that I really want to! Then yesterday I took my car to the service station near my work to get a little air in my front left tire, which I'd noticed looked a little low. I'm then told that I'm just a few miles away from a blowout, and I've got to have a new tire. "When it rains, it pours," I whispered. "Huh?' the old man at the service station asked me. I smiled at him. "Nothing."

     I wasn't surprised when the mechanic called me at my work an hour after I'd left his garage to tell me that no tire store in town had the right tire for my car. The soonest he could get one would be seven o'clock this morning, so my husband came to pick me and Vaught up from work. At some point I snapped at Eric on our way home... I can't even remember what ticked me off, but I'm certain it was silly. "Baby, you've really got an attitude these past few days," Eric said, quite calmly for what a jerk I was being. "I know, and I'm really sorry," I told him. And I really was.

     I had been working on a post for today but decided that my heart just wasn't in it yet. Like I've said before, I don't publish anything written without passion. Instead, I'm just posting today to let you know that no, I've not died. I'm still here and am cooking up some great stuff! Seriously, I have been so blessed with some awesome opportunities for my blog lately, and they're all sitting in my drafts folder just waiting to be finished! I think I just need a teensy break to recollect.
     I'm sorry if you've come here looking for Thirty on Thursday the past two weeks; I have worked out at home, writing down my workouts to post, but have failed to post them. Seriously, Kate? There's just no excuse. I got home from class Wednesday and put on my gym clothes to go work out. Before leaving I sat down to do something, and before I knew it, I was peeling off my socks and sports bra and crawling into bed. My husband came into our bedroom to ask me why I wasn't at the gym. "I just need to make an excuse just this one time," I told him. "I just need some time to myself." He shrugged his shoulders and went back to the living room, never one to hover or ask a lot of questions. I love that about him.

     Let me assure you, though, that the week wasn't all bad; I finished reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn Sunday, so Monday night Eric and I watched the movie and ohhhhh my gosh, I am obsessed! I am now a die-hard Gillian Flynn fan and highly recommend Gone Girl! I went for my first outdoor run of the spring Tuesday! And I didn't die. I did throw up, but I didn't die! I'm excited to start running again in this nice weather!

     And as always, there's our sweet, precious Vaught. Out of nowhere this week he began sitting up. Apparently he's been doing it at daycare for a few days and I had no idea! He is the biggest, brightest part of our lives, and I just adore him so! I can't wait to spend the weekend with him and his dad. I think it's just what I need!

I promise to be back and to be a little more interesting in the coming days. But it's Friday, and I'm signing off temporarily. I see a margarita in my near future. Love you all, wishing you the happiest weekend :)

Saturday, March 14, 2015

So, this happened.

I'm just going to come right out and say what I probably shouldn't say, especially as an adult...
My hair is really important to me. Like, really important.
       Growing up, my mom made me keep my hair short. I hated her for it, and at the same time I have no right to; she did it because I refused to brush my hair. I can't tell you how many times I've bout got my tail whipped because I would not brush my hair (I still don't like doing it to this day).
     Finally at around age twelve my mom decided that she would stop dictating what I did with it, so I grew it out and within a few years was dying it red. Red was my signature hair color for a while. Sometimes I went a little extreme with it, but I liked being the redhead everyone knew and loved. Seriously, people knew me because of my red hair!

REALLY red in fall of 2008

I admit, I loved my red curls.

Brown in spring of 2009

     At some point I began dying it dark brown, and that's the color I stuck with several years. I really loved the ombre look that was popularized by my girl LC in 2012, so I began getting two-tone locks when I was twenty-two.

     But a few months ago, I began thinking about taking it back to my roots, no pun intended. My natural color is blonde with golden, strawberry undertones. Many people called my hair color "strawberry blonde" growing up. I've always said that I disliked blonde hair and hated it on me, but I think losing weight has made me more confident in myself and less afraid to try new things. So, in late January, I made an appointment with my stylist/one of my very best friends.

     "Let's go a lot lighter. Let's go blonde," I told her. We did, and I loved it. It was very close to my natural color. I loved it so much that I called her back a couple of weeks ago.

     "Let's do more," I said to her. "Let's go really blonde." And we did. She incorporated a little brown ombre in with it, as my roots come through dark before lightening (I have weird hair), and I was thrilled with the results! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I feel like lighter hair brightens my face, giving it a youthful glow. Yes, I said that! I honestly feel like I hid behind dark hair for so long, but now I'm wanting to come out and be seen. It's a good feeling!!

     I have so much praise and respect for hair stylists/colorists/cosmetologists. The good ones are fantastic at their jobs, and my stylist is nothing short of amazing. She always makes me feel beautiful, and I've never left her salon disappointed. If you live in the Memphis/North Mississippi area, visit Jessica at Mane Image Salon! Find them on Facebook here.

*What do you think of the new color?
*Has a new haircut or color ever changed your life??

Friday, March 13, 2015

Three (or Two) Ingredient Skinny Avocado Brownies

Disclaimer: I know your first thought is OMG, Kate, you're so creative! Where do you come up with this stuff?! I didn't. You can find numerous variations of this recipe across the Web!
With that being said, ENJOY!
     I promise you I would not recommend or post this recipe if it weren't amazing! I noticed I had one avocado left out on the kitchen counter, and it was becoming extremely ripe (Vaught loves a good mashed up avocado)! We'd just had dinner, so I was trying to figure out what I could do with it before it goes bad. I remembered I had brownie mix in my pantry, so I decided to give "avocado brownies" a try. Thanks to the Internet (cough, Pinterest, cough cough), I've learned that you can replace eggs, flour, and/or oil when baking with simple ingredients such as apple sauce, black beans, and, of course, avocado! I was so excited to try skinny avocado brownies! I consulted a few Pinterest recipes, then proceeded to make my own variation.
Oh, and a quick tip: your man is not going to try these if he comes into the kitchen and sees you putting avocado in the brownie mix. Make the brownies, then bring him a big, fudgy slice on a plate with a tall glass of cold milk. Wait til he's got it good and digested to drop the bomb :)
I used three ingredients (not including water or the "toppings"):
1 ripe avocado
1 package or box of brownie mix
1 tbls of peanut butter--- This is the optional ingredient. I had to include it because I bake a little bit of peanut butter in everything because it tastes good with everything!
Preheat oven to 350
Grease an 8x8 baking pan with cooking spray (I always bake brownies in my round biscuit pan)
Combine brownie mix, peeled and pit-less avocado, and peanut butter (optional) into bowl.
Add 1/4 cup of water or as needed
Mix til fudgy and pour into the pan

Bake 20-25 minutes then let sit for ten minutes before slicing and serving! If you'd like, add a tablespoon of chocolate chips and a sprinkle of confectioners sugar to the finished product.

These are seriously amazing! And what's better?? You can eat an entire pan of these for around three hundred and fifty calories! Not bad, eh??

Have a happy weekend!