Monday, June 30, 2014


     If you've not realized it by now, I am a bridesmaid three times this summer. Wedding #2 is officially over as of this past weekend! As much as I really did enjoy it, I am glad to be headed downhill in my wedding countdown (my feet are pretty pleased as well).

     This weekend was especially important, however, because it was the wedding of my precious baby brother, two years my junior. My sisters are five and ten years older than I am, so the three of us were never close growing up. Today, I have two very unique relationships with both of them (they're so different, so my relationships with them are as well), while the two of them couldn't get along to save their lives! It's actually quite humorous sometimes, I must say! But my little brother was born just a few months after I turned two. Growing up, we were the best of friends. I didn't care that my older sisters never wanted to play with me; Joe Keith always had time for me and I for him. I suppose our close relationship is why his fiancĂ©-turned-wife MyKala, wanted me to be a part of their day. I couldn't have been more honored!

My History With the Girlfriends:
     I'm sitting here thinking of at least seven of them. There were maybe two that I was actually nice to. I was the meanest big sister. Ever. I was awful to them. I hate admitting that now because Joe Keith was never anything but nice and welcoming towards all the guys I brought home. He would always want to talk guy stuff with them, checking them out I presumed, but he was always polite. But me? I couldn't be bothered with all these silly little girls. There were maybe two or three in the end that I actually approved of, and I'm glad that he married one of them :)

JK and MyKala

It's a little odd for the groom, but the wedding location and style was allllll my little brother's doing. He has said since he was about 15 years old that he would marry at Montrose Antebellum Home in Holly Springs, MS. Honestly, I think my new sister-in-law wouldn't have minded a simple, backyard wedding, but my brother, being the popular, attention-loving thing that he is, said he wanted a big, fancy wedding at this gorgeous house! So that's exactly what he got!

Google images

     The weekend began with a rehearsal dinner in the style of a crawfish boil Friday night (again, my brother's doing!) You can't be from the South and have never attended a good crawfish boil, but it definitely doesn't mean you have to actually like crawfish... I like them okay, but I get so sick of peeling them! I make the husband do it for me :) We also had shrimp, fried chicken, pasta salad, and several delicious desserts my aunt had made for the occasion.
Shrimp is the best!

My husband stood over the crawfish table for two hours.

Even our pastor had to get in on the crawfish!

     A couple of weeks ago, my cousin and I decided to throw the bride-to-be a quick, impromptu lingerie shower after the rehearsal in one of the bedrooms upstairs. Needless to say, she was super surprised! Was it awkward buying lingerie for your brother's bride? Nah! I had fun with it. Other women in our family contributed as well; she got some cute, sexy things!

Wedding Day

     Eric and I started with a breakfast at IHOP before my hair appointment at 12:30 with Jessica. She did the cutest, braided half updo, but it totally messed up later on with the weather and rain :(  The lovely Claire from Amy Head Studio in Oxford came to Holly Springs to do mine and mother's makeup... We can always count on Claire to make us look fabulous.

     Pictures began at 3:30 and lasted until five. I can't wait to see them!! People began to arrive and fill up the ceremony area around 5:15. There were soooo many people there, which made me happy. My brother is just one of those people who knows and loves everyone; just like my Dad! They're two of a kind! As we were waiting with the bridesmaids for the wedding to begin, my five-year-old flower girl niece, Cherish, and I got reeeeally hungry, so we dug into the fruit and cheese tray in the dining room :)

     The ceremony was absolutely beautiful... it was also short and sweet, which made it ten times better! MyKala rode in the horse she's had since childhood, and my brother nearly cried when he saw her. How did the emotional pregnant girl keep from crying? I thought of my former boss's face the entire time.

     There was a reception in the side yard of the house after the ceremony, where we dined on BBQ (my current craving), salad, a potato bar, redneck caviar dip, and two amazing cakes! If you look closely behind the cows on my brother's cake, my aunt put chocolate chip "poop piles!"

     The weather had been funny all day, but at about 7:30, the bottom fell out and it poured and poured and poured. Luckily, all first/last dances had been done, the bouquet and garter tossed, and all guests had been greeted and fed. As my brother and his bride were preparing to leave for the night, he told me the rain was the best part of the reception. "I been ready to go for an hour!" he told me. I just laughed and hugged him goodbye and told him I loved him more than I could ever tell him. I'm so happy for him and am praying for a fulfilling, happy, Christ-centered marriage throughout his life. He may now be a married man, but he'll always be my precious baby brother.

My husband, a handsome groomsmen!

"Uncle Ewic" is one of Cherish's most favorite people!

First dance :)

Joe Keith's dance with mom

He is SO excited to finally have a nephew!!

The beautiful bride and me. So happy to have a new sister!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Disney Movie Club, Free Stuff, and a Very Valuable Lesson

     In my adult life, I am learning a very important lesson. You'd think that after hearing the warning from my parents, teachers, even my husband, I would learn my lesson. Coming from a twenty-three-year-old who's bought her own home, you would assume I would know to always do this, right? To do what? you ask. Ugh. Let me just tell you, to show you what a complete nutcase I can be...

Read what you sign.

     Read it thoroughly, read it twice, three times if you need to. Because the last thing you want is to end up with a dispute that can't be settled because "Ma'am, I have your signature here saying that you agree to the terms... I'm sorry you didn't know that you had to let us know you didn't want the DVD offered within ten days before we charged your credit card for it..." Yes, this is all in reference to my joining the Disney Movie Club. (There's a happy ending to this, I promise).

     It seems as if a bunch of us ladies drank the same Kool-Aid and all got pregnant from doing so at nearly the exact same time. I say this because I have five or six pregnant friends on social media right now, and we love keeping up with one another. I don't know a couple of them all that well, but in a way, I feel like we are just a big group of sisters who can relate to one another and share all that we're currently going through in our pregnancies! So, when two of them posted something about having joined the Disney Movie Club and how they got their first four DVD's for only a dollar (no shipping either!), I jumped for joy. Sign me up! I thought. I was a big Disney fan growing up; I saw Disney on Ice several times, and my mom always took us to see the new Disney movies on opening weekend. A few months later, she would purchase the VHS for us to watch and the cassette tapes with all the music for us to listen to on our radios. I got to go to Disney World when I was five and absolutely loved it. Of course I want our little darling to watch the same Disney movies that we did growing up; although the new stuff is okay, there's just nothing like the classic Cinderella, Lion King, Snow White, Pocahontas, and so on! I visited the website at work one day and signed up. This is where I have to admit that I merely skimmed the terms and conditions... "purchase five DVDs at regular price over the next two years," blah, blah, blah, yeah I can do that. I entered my credit card number and was charged precisely $1 for my first four movies. They arrived just a few days later.

     That was late February. Around mid-April, I received a DVD (Thor 2) that I had not ordered from DMC at what looked like no cost. I thought, Oh, it must be some promotional thing from the website. Since then, I received three more DVD's, including a Blu-ray copy of Frozen. A few weeks ago, maybe around the beginning of May, I tried to get a tank of gas using my credit card. It was declined. Now, I'm no good at paying off the balance every month (don't scold me, I'm a teacher), but I knew that I had at least a hundred dollars in credit on it. At least! And I hadn't even used the card in nearly a month. So, I was stunned that my card was declined but couldn't worry too much about it right then. Thankfully, I had my debit card.

     When I got to school, I logged onto my credit card account to check recent transactions. I was already worrying that maybe someone had hacked the number online and had been using it for over a month! When I pulled up the list, I almost wished that's what had happened, for I saw that the Disney Movie Club had charged me over $80 in the past two months. If you're wondering how that much got past me, just know that this is a card I rarely use, so I don't check the balance on it often. I logged on to my DMC account to see what was up. When I logged in, a notification immediately popped up to inform me that DMC had unsuccessfully tried to process my credit card for my fourth movie. WTF?!

      Anyway, I feel compelled to make a long story short and get to the second part of this entry, the fun part about free stuff. I was able to pull up the agreement that I "e-signed." There it was. In a nutshell, if you didn't notify Disney Movie Club via mail or online within ten days that you did not want to receive (and be charged) for the latest special offer(THOSE ANNOYING THINGS I GOT IN THE MAIL AND JUST THREW AWAY), your credit card would be charged for the offer and the DVD would be sent to you. Ah. Well, that explained the four DVDs I'd received! I felt like a complete airhead, but at least from there on out I didn't throw away any of the stuffed envelopes they sent me in the mail!

     One day in late May, I decided to go through the envelope just to see what all they had stuffed in these things. I was about to toss it in the trash (except for the special offer part; I had it stamped and ready to go so that they would know I did NOT want a copy of the limited edition Peter Pan), when I noticed something that always seems to catch my eye in our daily supply of mail: gift cards. Not just any gift cards though, gift cards that had the word FREE on them. Not just any gift cards that had the word FREE on them though, but gift cards that had the word FREE on them and also had cute BABY stuff on them. So, free baby stuff? I had to check these out. Four coupons were enclosed (see photo above), each one for a FREE: nursing pillow, nursing cover, baby sling, and carseat canopy. These were all things I had registered for already, but if I could get them for free, why not?! I logged onto the website for the Carseat Canopy first. I picked out a gray chevron canopy and proceeded to check out. The only thing I had to pay? $11.95 for shipping. Okay, so it's not 100% free necessarily, BUT these canopies are typically $40 or $50; I was still getting a deal by only paying for the shipping! I'm sure I looked like a total goob, bouncing up and down on our bed, thrilled to death about my "free baby stuff" with my husband sitting there rolling his eyes at my excitement. I had a hard time deciding what cute design I wanted for the other things, so I just ended up getting the baby carrier sling and the canopy (when I got the sling, I couldn't figure out how to use it, so it's wadded up in a drawer somewhere). I spent a total of about $20 in shipping for both items, and I plan on ordering the nursing pillow and “udder cover” very soon. Now, I guess we'll have to wait and see if I slipped up and didn't read something and will now be billed and shipped a new canopy every month at full price :) But I don't really anticipate that.


     I began writing this post in early June and came back to add to it today because my mother-in-law called me earlier after ordering me a nursing pillow, udder cover (basically, a nursing cover, if you've not caught onto that), five pairs of leggings for Vaught, and a carseat canopy set. She had all these free coupons too! We put two and two together and realized that we somehow both ended up with the exact same coupons. I hadn’t yet ordered the other stuff I had offers for, so I was so appreciative that she had. She picked out a blue minky nursing pillow (big and super soft—perfect for supporting Vaught while feeding him or just holding him), a super cute nursing cover (probably the same design I would have chosen myself), and a camoflauge carseat canopy set that includes four additional pieces for the carseat. Pictures are below! I can’t wait to use the carseat canopy set, and I’m glad to have two of the canopies. The camo is so cute for our little boy! 
The canopy I picked out. Thought about having monogrammed, but I don't think I will; I can reuse it for Baby Pace #2! 

               So yes, the Disney Movie Club did cause me a minor headache, but I suppose I should take 99% of the blame. In the end though, I got over $200 worth of neat and VERY useful accessories for Baby Pace that I cannot wait to use! I think I'm going to save the things my mother-in-law got for me and open them at my first baby shower on August 3rd! I still have the gift cards I didn’t use on my bedside table, so I hope to order extras of what my mother-in-law picked out—a nursing pillow and udder cover to keep in the car or diaper bag, perhaps! If you think I'm a total moron for all the trouble I went through just to be able to post this blog, I suppose we could blame it on the pregnancy brain. I'm twenty-three years old and bought my own home and vehicle and spent hours reading over the paperwork for both before my pen ever even touched the paper (no, really--it took me four hours to sign for my car). I promise, I'm not a complete bozo.

And even though I totally didn’t mean to, I have officially fulfilled 80% of my commitment by joining the Disney Movie Club; I now only have to buy one more DVD!

Read what you sign, people. Very rarely does not reading work out this well!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Shower for Jaymo

Sorry, but you will always be Jaymo. I'm so happy I got to do this for you today, despite the trouble I had with some snappy workers when I first got there :( I can't wait to be a part of your BIG DAY on July 26th!

    I guess I can't blog about her shower if I leave out the part where I checked over her very pretty, very classic invitations fifteen times, making sure I did everything right. I somehow missed the part where I put that the shower was SATURDAY, June 22nd instead of Sunday (facepalm). So I spent three hours last Monday writing out greeting cards to send to the entire guest list. Needless to say, placenta brain is starting to get to me.

    I don't think I should go very far into what I had to deal with when I first arrived at McAlister's, but just know that it may be the last time I host an event there, at least on a Sunday! Grrrr! Anyway, once we got everything set up, it looked beautiful! Again, I have no idea what I would do without my precious mama! She is a master decorator and punch-maker! She makes the BEST punches!

     This is embarrassing, but I put Jaymo's corsage in the freezer overnight instead of the refrigerator, so I ruined the flower. I just threw the flower away and put the pink ribbon around her wrist as a "corsage" :)
     By the way, is she going to make one gorgeous bride or what?!
     She got soooo many beautiful and useful gifts; her roommates from Baptist College in Memphis even came. One of my gifts to her was the "world's best can opener" as mandated by me of course; I've had mine since I was a freshman in college, and it has been the best can opener I've ever owned! We went through them like dirty socks at my house growing up!

     We also got her some gorgeous turquoise, monogrammed towels and washcloths. I remember the one thing I registered for that I was soooo excited about were monogrammed towels; I got tons of towels but never bothered to get them monogrammed!
     I bring these cookies to almost every event I host or attend. They are just plain sugar cookies from Old Towne Bakery by my house in Olive Branch. I'm not even a huge fan of sweets, but these are the best cookies in the world, and Old Towne does such a cute job decorating them. These were actually supposed to be heart-shaped, but I stayed on the phone with the baker for so long last week, that somehow that part got lost in translation. Even still, they were gorgeous as always!
     I can't say enough about Jaymo's mother, Mrs. Rita, though many of us know her as "Mama Rita." She is the kindest, most sincere woman, and it's obvious that she has passed many of these traits down to her precious daughter. She is so much fun to be around, and I'm really thankful to have other Christian women like her in my life to look up to; Rita is definitely a role model to all :) I also can't get over how much Jaymo seems to resemble her pretty mama every time I see her. I hope she knows that this is most definitely a compliment!!!
   Next to Mrs. Rita, I suppose my mother, "Bev," as we call her, is pretty grand too :) I have no idea what I would do without her. She is teaching me how to be a great hostess this summer; I'm definitely learning from the best!
     Lastly, I suppose me and my high school BFF just had to have a few pictures together. Years from now, I'll show these to Vaught and tell them these were his first pictures with Aunt Jaymo! Our friendship is definitely among the strongest I have, and of all my friends, I think I have to say that Jaymo and I are the most alike. She transferred to Hickory Flat in February of my junior year of high school (she was a sophomore) in 2008. One day, she happened to sit down beside me at the lunch table. She didn't even ask if she could sit there or anything, so I turned and looked at her, a little stunned (it's a small school--we had our own "assigned" seats). I looked her up and down, with her cute clothes, perfect hair and makeup, and the most fabulous Coach bag I had ever seen. It was real, too. I learned to befriend the girls who carried "real" handbags; we were two of a kind. I pointed down at her purse and said, "I like your Coach purse." She smiled at me, as if surprised that someone at this school knew what a Coach bag was. It was like this light bulb went off in both of our heads: we were instantly friends, and over the course of the next few months, we became best friends. I have no idea where I would be had this amazing girl not entered my life!


Our friendship in one photo: "Which side is your best??"
    I am SO happy to have been able to host such a lovely shower for you today. I'm so honored to be a part of yours and Josh's special day next month. Thank you for being an amazing friend to me all these years; I love you more than words can ever explain.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

It Taunts Me...

There it sits, laughing at me, begging me to give it another try. I cannot believe I allowed myself to be defeated by something so artificial. It's demeaning and humiliating.

     Three hours I spent putting this thing together at home by myself while the husband is at work. My three pit bulls sat and watched me with a sort of amused curiosity, as if they knew I was doing it wrong the whole time.
     As I go to place the mattress support into the bottom of the crib, the FINAL step of this process, I realize that on the back side, I can adjust the height to three different levels. But on the front side? There were no holes for that... At first I thought it was a manufacturer mistake, but then I walked around to the front of the crib, only to find that I had put the entire thing together backwards. No, it's not as easy as turning the front part around. I put the sides on backwards and all the other little nitpicky parts had been put on, screwed in, and tightened completely wrong.

     I have disassembled this entire thing and am now considering just burning it.
And that's my day. How's yours?

A little bit later... (10PM later)

     I had to take a breather earlier from putting The Crib together or there was a good chance I would be roasting marshmellows over the damn thing. After disassembling it, I thought I put it back together "correctly." I had the mattress support screwed in (please do not ask me how I managed that by myself), and was in the process of screwing on the back of the crib, the prettiest part of it. It would not fit right. Between the arch and the outside posts, there was a gap. I groaned when I realized what I'd done and yet again, I had to disassemble some of the crib, though not as much as the first time. I basically just had to switch those two outside posts on the back, which wasn't terrible. It was about 2:30 by this point, and I just cried the entire time. I was so frustrated and outdone with myself and the fact that I had failed twice in one day sure wasn't helping. Plus, sometimes I just feel like crying.
   My husband got home from work around three, walked into the room, and was a little stunned at all that I had done ("Oh, did I forget to tell you I was doing this today?"). I was afraid I'd maybe hurt his feelings doing all of this without him, but he understands that I'm in my "nesting" phase, and I'm just so excited to get it all done in what little spare time I do have this summer. He said he wouldn't mind waiting until August to start working on the room, but at eight months pregnant, I highly doubt I'd have the energy by then that I have now. So, I cannot say that I put this thing together entirely by myself; Eric got home just in time to help me screw in the mattress support (for the second time today) and secure the back of the crib, all of which took him a matter of about five minutes. 
     Overall, my review for this crib will be a good one; it's absolutely gorgeous and was an amazing price! I had thought that maybe I shouldn't include on my Walmart's review that I'm a ditz who read the directions wrong and assembled the thing backwards at first, but after talking to my friend, who bought the same crib in a white finish, and being told that her husband did the same thing, I think I will! Honestly, if a man makes the same mistake I made in assembling something, I know it's not just me. Even still, I love this bed and the fact that it converts to a toddler bed, daybed, and full size headboard! It's weird to look at now and know that many years from now, Vaught will sleep on it as a teenager...
Okay, I have to stop! 
     It's nearly 11 o'clock now, and I still have so much to do! I'm hosting a bridal shower for Bride #3, my high school best friend Jaymo ("Jessica" but I never call her that) tomorrow at two. I couldn't be more excited for her and Josh, and I'm so thrilled and honored to be a part of their big day next month! 
     I am SO close to having Vaught's room completed... I need curtains, throw pillows, crib bedding (my Grandmother informed last week that it did arrive and is beautiful), and a few decorative items. Then we'll be all set and ready for our little man... or as ready as I think we could be. I'm sitting in his room now, thinking it's only a matter of time until I get to spend hours upon hours in here with him. It's bittersweet! Once the room is completed, there will be a blog with detailed pictures--can't wait to share with you all! I have worked soooo hard!


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Week 26 Update

     Vaught's first pair of John Deere boots... because every little boy's gotta have a pair :)

     It's a little saddening to know that I'll be leaving lovely Trimester Two in just two short weeks (be on the lookout for a post about surviving the second trimester!). This really was the "golden" time of pregnancy, but I still feel so good, it's hard to imagine it all going downhill from here. I've realized that a lot of what other women told me about their pregnancies and what I should be prepared for is not true for mine, and I'm really thankful. Since I've begun drinking only water, I have little to no swelling unless I'm on my feet for several hours. My energy level is neither terribly low nor sky high; I have just enough to do what I need to do and have a productive day; I'm always ready to lie down and rest at about nine! I know I'm "only" at week 26 with hopefully no more than fourteen to go until we meet our baby boy, but pregnancy has really not been hard. So many women talk about it like it's the nine most miserable months of your life, and maybe for some of them it really is, but I guess I've been one of the lucky ones. The back pain that hit in the middle of the second trimester was the worst part, but I've found some amazing exercise routines that combat it better than I could have ever imagined.

     After that embarrassing twelve pound gain two weeks ago, I began following the gestational diabetic diet, although I won't know if I have GD until July first. I'm happy to say that today I am down eight pounds from that day, putting my total gain at a healthy 14.5 pounds. Again, I have to say to those who may read this and think I'm a little obsessed with it and am risking harming Vaught, my doctor is very much informed of my diet and exercise plans; he helped me put them together!  I'm eating about 2,000 calories per day--2,000 of the really good things that our bodies need, so Vaught's definitely getting all he needs, trust me! It's unrealistic of me to try not to gain any more, but I am going to make an effort to keep it extremely minimal, for my and baby's sake. You also have to consider that I had to have been eating terribly before to lose so quickly... I was in an Italian wedding a few weeks ago; carbs for days, y'all :)

     At my cousin's baby shower in Memphis last Saturday, a family friend asked me an interesting question: "Do you love being pregnant?" No one has asked me that yet. And I don't know if I'd really volunteered any information that prompted her to ask me that, but I had just been telling my pregnant cousin, due in August, how great I felt and how much I'm enjoying this time in my life.

But do I love being pregnant?

     I don't really know, but I don't think so. I told her that I didn't love it but didn't hate it, and what I mean is that I think pregnancy goes either way for me. I love what this means for Eric and me; I love our little man already and can't wait to meet him. I don't love not having much control over my body and what it's doing though, and I think that's hard for every woman. My belly has started to push forward, so I actually had yet another a meltdown Saturday morning in my closet because I couldn't find anything to wear. No, not that nothing fit; almost everything still fits. But I'm a little more self-conscious now, as is probably common. I love the days when I really do feel like this cute little pregnant woman, but I hate when people stare, and they are starting to do that lately. Some women love it and some women hate it, and I think I'm glad to be right there in between. I'm just totally okay with it.

Movement: I read something about how the next few weeks will be his most active, and I believe it! I feel him all the time, and I am glad that he is finally discovering other places to poke and prod besides my bladder! I've grabbed Eric's hand at certain times and pressed it to my belly when I knew he should be able to feel him kicking... But it's as if Vaught knows what I'm doing and is like, Yeah right, mom. I do what I want. I'm also starting to think that I can feel him shifting positions, weird as that may sound. It's a tightening sensation for just a moment, and I feel a couple of kicks, then it's like Vaught's situated!
How I'm feeling: Once again, great! I'm officially ignoring everyone who's like "wait til this happens, wait til that." Very little of it has applied to me, especially the negative side effects. Every pregnancy is different!
     I am feeling/acting pretty hormonal these days; do not mess with me, at least not in a bad manner. I will let you know what's up in a heartbeat. Two weeks ago I let a TJMaxx employee (whom I've had some issues with before) have it, and if you're from the South you now what it is. 
     Saturday evening, I was with my mother, aunt, and grandmother at Firebirds Restaurant in Collierville, TN. As we were putting our name down for a table, a lady and her husband came in to sign in their name too. My grandmother is 74, so of course I'm going to ask her if the wait is okay, do we want to put our name down and leave, informing the hostess that we can't have a high table, you know-- the things you do when you have an elderly family member with you! I notice this lady roll her eyes at me as I'm talking to the very polite hostess. Then she tells her husband that we are "taking forever." No ma'am. I told her we would take our time and she would be helped when we finished. We ended up having to wait about forty minutes, which we spent browsing at Dillard's. I guess the other lady and her husband got seated fairly quickly because when we were seated, they were almost finished with their dinner. Husband kept looking over at our table, and I finally just caught his eye and gave him a look that I hope said Do not make me come over there. 
     I'm also a little gutsier with our customers who call the office and want to talk their way out of paying what they owe on their accounts. Last week I informed a lady that in order stay current on her mortgage, she must make twelve full payments, as there are currently twelve months in a year. She didn't think I was too cute.

     You just don't want to deal with me sometimes. I also cry at everything. After my meltdown Saturday morning, we went shopping before my cousin's shower. We ended up at Kohl's, where my mother went straight to the women's section and started scouring the racks for dresses for me. She found a cute one by Vera Wang's Kohl's collection and a few others by another line that I like. I started crying because I was just so grateful that she wanted to buy me some dresses. I mean, it didn't surprise me--that's just my  mother! She knew exactly what I needed to cheer me up. She often reminds me of how beautiful I am, pregnant or not. I'm tearing up a little right now thinking of how kind she is to me and to everyone. I was so thankful to leave Kohl's with five new dresses and a couple of tops and a pair of sandals that are perfect fits to last me through the end of this journey.

Other Symptoms
HEARTBURN like crazy, usually in late afternoon. I'm popping Tums like breath mints! Vaught Pace had better come out with a full head of hair!

I would like to announce to the world and everyone reading that I have 0000000 stretch marks at this point. I just knocked on my desk (it's not true wood but looks that way) three times for luck.
It's been weeks since I've not been jolted awake in the early morning with a Charlie horse in my calf! No amount of pickle juice or bananas seem to stop it!
Up next: Countdown to the glucose test: twelve days. I am praying for the best! I have lost weight with the GD diet, which I know will thrill my doctor! It makes me feel better about the whole thing too. However, weight really doesn't matter with the glucose test; about 5-7% of all pregnant women will have GD, and it occurs in women of all shapes and sizes. Even still, it feels good to get rid of some of the unnecessary gain.

A Room of His Own: This is actually the title of an entry I'm working on and will post once we have Vaught's room completely put together. But I did make a big purchase this week-- his crib! I actually found this beautiful crib at the Walmart in Holly Springs. It's not the one I had originally found online that I loved, but I saw this one a couple of weeks ago while grocery shopping and kept having to go back just to look at it. Tuesday morning, I was talking about it with my mother, who wanted to come with me at lunchtime so that she could see it. After she told me how beautiful she thought it was (remember how I told you my mother's opinion means more than anyone else's?), I knew it was the one. We left Walmart with it that day! I am almost done painting his room--just gotta get the husband on a ladder to touch up the trim and parts of the ceiling that I've hit with the roller (whups). I love having twelve foot ceilings in my house, but they're a pain when it comes to painting! I plan to be completely finished painting by this Saturday so that Eric and I can tackle putting this crib together and get this baby room ready!

Family Beach Vacay: Our annual family beach vacation is coming up in three weeks! I haven't been since 2011, so I'm more than excited to be able to go this year, though I hate to leave the husband behind for a few days :(  I definitely deserve a little relaxation before Baby Pace arrives! I mention the vacation because in a couple of weeks I have got to find a decent swimsuit for the trip. I've tried a couple of maternity suits on at Target... would you believe most of the XL's are too big on me?? This could end up being more of a hassle than I'd expected, but I'm just so glad to get to go this year! When Eric got hurt at work last summer, we had to cancel our short honeymoon to Orange Beach; it won't be the same without him there, but I'm determined to have a little fun in the sun.

Belly Shots

That day I looked down and realized that although I can still see my feet, I have to lean forward a bit to do so...

One of the dresses my mother got me; soft, simple, & comfortable!
This will be known as my famous "green dress." Soooo light and comfy!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

My Workout Playlist

Whether I'm running, lifting, or doing a little of both, this is the playlist from my iPhone that's sure to get me pumped up for a good workout. Don't make fun of my old school classics :)

"Bright Lights Bigger City" by Cee Lo Green
"Wop" by J. Dash
"Starstruck" by Lady Gaga
"We Can't Stop" by Miley Cyrus
"Hypnotize" by Notorious B.I.G.
"S&M" by Rihanna
"Multiply" by Xzibit
"Thrift Shop" by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
"Turnin' Me On" by Keri Hilson
"Till the World Ends" by Britney Spears
"Cat Daddy" by Rej3ctz
"FU" by Miley Cyrus
"Got Money" by Lil Wayne
"I Look Good" by Charlie Boy
"I'm Different" by 2 Chainz
"Madness" by Muse
"Omg" by Signature Boyz
"Renegade" by Styx
"I Can Transform Ya" by Chris Brown
"Party Up" by DMX

My husband is really into heavy metal (maybe a little too heavy) while he works out, but I like a good mix of pop, R&B, and just enough rap to get me going, especially when I'm running.

Know of any I'm missing? Send 'em my way. I rarely update this list :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

First Week on the GD Diet

     No, that GD doesn't stand for what you might have immediately thought, but that's how I sometimes feel about it (not really). If you've been reading, you're well aware of my disgusting disgruntling twelve pound gain at my week twenty-four appointment last Monday. Due to the advice of a friend, I requested a copy of the gestational diabetic diet sheet for expectant women and began following it that afternoon, as high weight gain was a concern of mine from the beginning of my pregnancy. Both my sisters gained more than triple the amount of weight a pregnant woman should healthily gain while they were expecting their daughters. Although they only had themselves to blame (and they admit it now), I saw how miserable and uncomfortable they were during their pregnancies and for a while after. It took my oldest sister years to slim back down after having my niece. When I announced I was pregnant, both of them came to me, begging me to practice better habits while pregnant than they did. Eating for two is dead, they told me. You don't want to go through what we did. When the scale moved twelve pounds forward at my last appointment, it was enough to put this whole pregnancy into perspective. I had still been going to the gym four or five times a week, but I knew that I hadn't been eating like I should. Because I'm human, I don't mind admitting that there have been times where I have consumed nearly an entire sleeve of DoubleStuf Oreos because What's it matter? I'm pregnant! Two weekends ago, I was in an Italian wedding; I feasted on nothing but carbs for three days, and I loved every minute of it--probably because I didn't realize what I was doing to myself. My last appointment, however, was just what I needed to permanently snap out of that mentality. I can't do it to my body, and I definitely cannot do it to Vaught's.

     So, I asked for a copy of the diet sheet my doctor gives to women who are diagnosed with gestational diabetes during their pregnancies (he was thrilled that I was taking the initiative) even though I won't know if I have GD for another two weeks.This first week at it has been a little tough, but by following the 2,000-2,200 calorie per day meal plan, I've realized just how much I had been consuming before without even realizing it and have even shed some of that gain (safely and healthily!)

     After looking at the diet sheet my doctor gave me, I realized I'd have to find some replacements for a few of the items (like catfish-blah). This is the grocery list I came up with. The things marked "DT" are items I can purchase at the Dollar Tree near my house. Sorry not sorry--Dollar Tree is the stuff.

     Obviously, the GD diet doesn't call for a  lot of fruits. Although they're full of natural sugars, the good kind that our bodies need, a large component of this diet is cutting way back on sugar altogether. And consuming very little of it in the morning, I noticed! It's also generally low carb. I can't stand when people say they're on a no-carb diet. Um, hello? I'm no fitness expert, but I know that our bodies require some carbs in there! But lowering your carb intake a little can never hurt. 

My girl, LC, drinks milk :)
     I made a few changes of my own, such as with the milk. I am a milk guzzler. Growing up, we drank 2% at my house, and between me, my dad, and my brother we went through two gallons per week. In my own home, a gallon usually lasts me a little more than a week, but when I was going through my major cereal phase, I had to get a gallon and a half nearly every weekend! And please don't tell me I shouldn't drink it; I can't stand the you should only drink almond/soy/organic milk fad, and yes, I personally believe it is a fad unless you're lactose intolerant or one of those people who would just rather pay double the price for organic food. Amy Pohler says it best in Baby Mama: "That stuff's for rich people who hate themselves." People have been drinking milk for centuries, and it's not killed anyone. And if it has, I'm willing to take my chances.
Sorry. Anyway, I refuse to drink skim milk. It's okay in cereal, but when drinking it out of a glass, it just tastes like white water. Ew. So I've switched to 1%. Typically twenty less calories per serving and a tad less sugar :) I apologize for getting on my soap box about milk, but I once went grocery shopping with a friend who took my gallon of 2% out of the shopping cart (without asking me), and replaced it with a carton of Silk, smiled at me and said, "You'll never be healthy drinking that stuff."  
It put a more sour taste in my mouth than milk ever could.

     The diet also calls for catfish for a few of the dinners. I like fish okay in general, but catfish just isn't something kept in the Pace household; we are chicken, turkey, and beef people! However, I can eat an entire can of tuna completely raw. Disgusting, I know! I add in a boiled egg, just a little bit of mayo, a dash of salt, and some pepper. Tuna sandwiches are always yummy!

     Turkey bacon::: I finally gave it a try a little over a year ago. Since then, we've not purchased regular bacon (unless it's just at a really good price)! Although we are big-time lovers of "real bacon," my husband and I both love how much healthier and cheaper turkey bacon is, as well as how good it tastes when seasoned with a little pepper. Seriously, I cannot tell a big difference at all except for the texture. Although you can have real bacon on the GD diet, I'm sticking with turkey bacon for now. Twenty-five calories/slice versus 90 calories/slice!
    I've also almost completely ditched Coca Cola, one of my most favorite things in the world!! I did have half a can Friday afternoon though :) Other than that, I have drank nothing but water all week long. I may love Coca Cola, but I also reeeeally love water too! For years when I was younger water was all I drank, and when I got older Coke was my beverage of choice only when dining out. I feel like I've drank more in my adulthood than I have in my entire life before! It's hard at 2 o'clock in the afternoon on a busy week day when an ice cold Sonic Coke would be the most amazing thing for a tired mama. And speaking of mama, mine doesn't help much when she sends me out of the office around three in the afternoon on a Sonic Coke run! But the swelling in my ankles and wrists has been almost non-existent since I've switched to water. That's motivation to keep chugging the H20!

     Once again, around the end of April, I returned to my almost-daily trips to Starbucks for hot lattes or a frappucino that often added an extra 300-400 calories to my daily intake. I'm proud to say I've not been to Starbucks in a few days, except for Friday morning; I cannot do my Friday morning without a hot, end-of-the-week latte! But instead of the cinnamon dolce, I ordered a double tall skinny vanilla. It was surprisingly good! I know I'll never be able to cut Starbucks completely out of my life (I'm a coffee enthusiast after all), but I do plan on making the switch to non-fat and sugar free concoctions. That mocha cookie crumble frappucino is just going to have to be an every once in a while treat! 

     Isn't it kind of ironic how every time you aim to make your eating habits a little healthier someone around you shows up with cookies, brownies, or blueberry muffins?  I work at a land office in north Mississippi, and last week our representatives from our Georgia office were here visiting. One of the them baked homemade blueberry muffins the second day they were here. I had to have one; it was amazing!

       I overslept one day and desperately needed some coffee. I stopped at McDonald's for a latte, but their machine was down (surprise, surprise). So I supplemented with a strawberry sweet tea from Sonic. If you've not had one of these, you're missing out! They're amazing!!!! I like the unsweet version too, but I just had to have a little sugar! 


  Cooking supper this past week has been a fun experience; by Thursday, my husband was sooo sick of baked chicken and vegetables. The picture below is from Thursday night I believe. By then, I was running out of veggies and just threw this together.

     I'm one of those rare people who love to grocery shop! Target has the BEST packages of chicken breasts ever! Each serving is 4-6 ounces, and comes pre-seasoned with garlic and herbs and all sorts of other great spices! So on Wednesday afternoon I left work and headed straight for Target. I got all of the below for under $25. Their marketplace is typically a bit pricier than grocery stores, but they always have great deals on certain items, so I got what I could for a bargain. 

     They had boxes upon boxes of granola bars for $1.20/box and large bottles of Smart Water for just $1! I also stocked the freezer on some frozen veggies (I prefer fresh produce, but frozen's good to have on hand).

     We also have a couple of "fruit guys" that stop by our office once a week, their trucks loaded down with locally grown fruits and vegetables. They're such sweet guys, and they always have great deals on their produce! I always stock up when they visit! They usually have some of the best peaches and strawberries that you could never find in a grocery store!

     As I said, Eric was so sick of chicken and veggies by Thursday, he had me make a reservation for the two of us at Texas de Brazil in Memphis for Friday night. If you've never been to TdB, pleeeeease put it on your bucket list! We try to go once every couple of months, and it always helps to be a loyal follower of their email list :)

On our way to TdB in Memphis :))

      I thought it would be especially hard sticking to it over the weekend, but it was surprisingly easy. When I'm hit with a hard craving, I just think to myself healthy mama, healthy baby. It makes making healthy choices so much easier. So, since last Tuesday (technically Monday evening, lol), I have felt ten times better! I feel lighter and less bloated. And I know I am because my scale today is still showing a loss of about six-seven pounds. I think the water-only switch has made all the difference in the world; I can't believe how little my feet swell now! I'm becoming a quite a big fan of the GD diet and am glad I began following it at twenty-five weeks. I may be saying "diet" now, but I know that this would be a great meal plan to stick with as I transition back into a permanently healthy lifestyle once Vaught arrives. After all, healthy is a lifestyle, not a diet, right? :)  

     I have been writing, adding to, and taking away from this post for a little more than a week now, so for once I'm exhausted with the blogosphere tonight! But again, I want to say thank you for reading and to those who are loyally coming back. I know I probably annoy the heck out of  my Instagram and Twitter followers with my blog posts, but it sparks curiosity which sparks interest which sparks enthusiasm and a willingness to keep coming back. I really appreciate all of you who are reading.

Look for my Week 26 Update this Thursday!