Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sorority life so far...

.... It's overwhelming, to say the least. Do I love it? Absolutely. Is it stressful? Hell yeah.

Everytime I open my email there's something else that I have to do or another event I have to go to for Phi Mu. I've waited for months to be in a sorority, and now that I am I realize how much work goes into it. Writing for the newspaper, I do enough already, and now with this, it all just feels like too much sometimes. And I'm only 2 weeks in. I know it'll get easier as time goes on, and I get better at managing my time, but right now I'm like seriously always on the verge of tears. I guess now I know how my mother, who never even gets to sit down, feels. Like her, I've always had the tendency to bite off more than I can chew. I honestly just feel like a fork in the road is coming, and I'm gonna have to choose between 2 things I love: writing for the newspaper, which could spoil a career in the newspaper at my college, and being a member of Phi Mu, which instantly means no more fun with the girls that I've come to love already. I don't wanna have to choose, but I just feel like that's where I'm heading. Well, guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there. For now, off to tutor. Then Theta Encore practice, where Phi Mu will DOMINATE.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Bid Day came and went... and I'm officially a PHI MU! Well actually I'm just a "Phi" right now, but the Mu will come when I'm officially initiated in January! GO PHI MU!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Birthday weekend!

It was... AMAZING, to say the least.  I was surrounded by very loving family and friends the entire weekend, which was wonderful, but also very exhausting! I've never been so tired, yet when your life is as crazy as mine you find ways to just keep going! So here I am, just getting back from Water Parties (a part of sorority recruitment at my college), and I should be studying... But you know how that goes. I'd rather talk about my fabulous weekend.
I got some great gifts, but I have to say that my parents really outdid themselves this year. They got me my very first real pearl necklace- I'm in LOVE with it! I also got 2 pairs of Ray-Bans, a Coach purse, and a shoulder-bag (really IN right now). We shopped allll day yesterday, then the girls and I partied all last night. I went to bed at 3:30, then had to go to Water Parties at 2 today. But they were super awesome.
In case I haven't mentioned, I am going through Rush this year... I can't tell you how excited I am. I went to 8 houses tonight and met some of the girls. It was a lot of fun and really gave me a better idea about each house. All the girls were super sweet, and the houses were gorgeous. Rush is still a month away, but I cannot wait. I can't wait to meet my new Sisters :)
Be Sparkly!! ALWAYS.
