Saturday, September 14, 2013

6:25AM... MY FIRST 10K!!!

I'm at my breakfast table eating my favorite runner's breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast, as I anxiously await 8AM, at which time I will begin running my first 10K race!! It's a cool September morning; PERFECT weather for running, and I'm so excited.

I began running in March of 2012, and since then, I've been hooked. Running is one of my favorite, most relaxing things to do. It is a mind-clearer and destresser for sure!

On February 2nd of 2014, I'll run my first half-marathon (13.1 miles) in New Orleans, Louisiana, in the Rock-n-Roll marathon.

I consider myself extremely blessed to have been gifted with the ability to run, and I'm extremely grateful for every finish line I cross. Please keep me in your prayers today :)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Three Years and a Marriage Later....

Here I am, three years later and no longer the vain little princess I was at 19 when I created this blog, I'm liking the married, 22-year-old me a lot better. I graduated from The University of Mississippi and am now a certified high school English teacher.

I'm coming back to finish what I started in hopes that I can be connected with some of you soul-searchers. I want to call myself a blogger.