Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Bye, Fitstagram!

    So, I'm deleting my Fitstagram account, healthyhappyk8. I've enjoyed it for the nearly two years I've had it, but I feel like it's far too complicated and confusing trying to run two different Instagram accounts that basically revolve around the same thing: my journey in becoming a happier, healthier self. The only difference in my personal and fitness accounts on Instagram is that I only post photos that pertain to fitness or healthy eating on HealthyHappyK8. In theory, I post the same things on my personal account, just not as many. And of course I have to throw in a few family posts/Vaught spam. I can't keep that precious baby from the world!

    I've been running HealthyHappyK8 so that I wouldn't annoy followers on my personal, but really, who cares? This is my life, and fitness and health are two things I love. Even when I've been much heavier than I am now I loved working out. I loved eating healthy things and cooking nutritious meals. It's just who I am. I get that the fitness posts can be annoying sometimes, especially in excess, but I don't want to feel hindered from who I am and the things I'm doing in my life. I am working out nearly every day, eating well, cooking new and delicious healthy meals, and whipping up some awesome smoothies that would be wrong not to share with others!

    Then there's the support I receive from both accounts. It's amazing. The encouraging comments and messages always brighten my day! Even still, I feel as if it's confusing to people who know me and even some who don't. As a blogger, Instagram is perhaps the biggest platform I've used to grow my blog. I'm so happy with how it's expanded, and I've enjoyed meeting other bloggers and fit moms on Insta who share my passion. I interact with most of them through my personal Instagram account, so I know it has to be strange that though much of my life revolves around living healthily, I talk about it primarily on another account. As a lifestyle blogger, I feel that it's best I stick with just one account. Food, fitness, and health are vital parts of who I am; I shouldn't be ashamed or afraid of showing that. As a blogger, I'm my own brand. I don't need two Instagram accounts to promote what I do.

    Wrapping up, it's probably a bit odd that I dedicated an entire post to saying goodbye to my fitness account (I'll be deleting it in a few hours). My fitness posts and updates aren't going anywhere though. I'm just making a goal to be less self-conscious and a little more proud of the things I'm doing and progress I'm making and posting that corner of my life to my original account. I hope you'll continue following :)

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