Friday, April 10, 2015

Five Things I've Learned in My First Week

1. I'm not in over my head. 
I remember my very first week of teaching on my own in 2012. I was so overwhelmed and so stressed. I had realized that this was not what I thought it would be. I had a classroom full (way too full) of unruly, hormonal ninth graders that I had no idea what to do with. That's not the case at my new school. I don't know everything, but I know what I'm doing and how to handle myself and my kids. I had to stick it to one of my students on the first day; we've had zero problems since then. If I'm unsure of something, I don't hesitate to go ask. I'm not afraid to ask questions now because I know that no one's judging me for it.

2. The same people are at every school. 
From my fellow teachers to my new students, the same people are everywhere. What I mean by that is that different people I've met in my new school remind me of those from my old one. I have students here who remind me of students from my former school. I teach with a teacher during sixth period who reminds me so much of an English teacher from my prior school--and that's a good thing! It gives me a sense of comfort to meet people who remind me of those from my first job!

3. I may never figure this building out. 
This school is huge. It's a workout just walking from one end to another, not to mention it's two levels so stairs are involved! I wrote this one down on the first day, but now it's day four, and I'm beginning to get this place mapped out pretty well in my head!

4. Things sure have changed since 2009. 
I was last a high school student in the spring of 2009. Everything we did was on paper, and if we needed to type something, we did it either at home or in the school library. At my new school, every student has a MacBook. All of their notes and assignments and tests are on this program called Schoology, where everything is submitted online. I have no idea how this works, but it does.

5. Only 35 school days til summer. 
I've only been here four days, and I love it so far. The drive is a little tiresome, but it's worth it. However, with IEP season upon us, I know that things are likely going to get a bit stressful. When that happens, I'm just going to remind myself that we've only got a few more weeks until summer. And I will make it!

after-school "snack" :)

I really hope and pray that I am an Oxford Charger next year! Oxford High School already feels like home!

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