Friday, March 13, 2015

Three (or Two) Ingredient Skinny Avocado Brownies

Disclaimer: I know your first thought is OMG, Kate, you're so creative! Where do you come up with this stuff?! I didn't. You can find numerous variations of this recipe across the Web!
With that being said, ENJOY!
     I promise you I would not recommend or post this recipe if it weren't amazing! I noticed I had one avocado left out on the kitchen counter, and it was becoming extremely ripe (Vaught loves a good mashed up avocado)! We'd just had dinner, so I was trying to figure out what I could do with it before it goes bad. I remembered I had brownie mix in my pantry, so I decided to give "avocado brownies" a try. Thanks to the Internet (cough, Pinterest, cough cough), I've learned that you can replace eggs, flour, and/or oil when baking with simple ingredients such as apple sauce, black beans, and, of course, avocado! I was so excited to try skinny avocado brownies! I consulted a few Pinterest recipes, then proceeded to make my own variation.
Oh, and a quick tip: your man is not going to try these if he comes into the kitchen and sees you putting avocado in the brownie mix. Make the brownies, then bring him a big, fudgy slice on a plate with a tall glass of cold milk. Wait til he's got it good and digested to drop the bomb :)
I used three ingredients (not including water or the "toppings"):
1 ripe avocado
1 package or box of brownie mix
1 tbls of peanut butter--- This is the optional ingredient. I had to include it because I bake a little bit of peanut butter in everything because it tastes good with everything!
Preheat oven to 350
Grease an 8x8 baking pan with cooking spray (I always bake brownies in my round biscuit pan)
Combine brownie mix, peeled and pit-less avocado, and peanut butter (optional) into bowl.
Add 1/4 cup of water or as needed
Mix til fudgy and pour into the pan

Bake 20-25 minutes then let sit for ten minutes before slicing and serving! If you'd like, add a tablespoon of chocolate chips and a sprinkle of confectioners sugar to the finished product.

These are seriously amazing! And what's better?? You can eat an entire pan of these for around three hundred and fifty calories! Not bad, eh??

Have a happy weekend!


  1. That's SO cool you found a way to include avocado in the recipe. I found a shamrock shake recipe with avocado so it's healthy. Love what people come up with. Great post, thanks for sharing!!

  2. Yum! I love all of those ingredients!
