Monday, October 5, 2015


This post was supposed to be published a few days after Vaught's party, but we have been without Internet service at our house for a couple weeks after switching service providers... Sorry for being a bad blogger, guys! Better late than never :)

Vaught turned one Friday, September 25th, and we had an amazing weekend of celebrations!


At the end of year one, Vaught weighs 25 pounds, 1 once.
He is 30 inches long.
He's gained exactly 17 pounds since the night he was born--my little Chubs is a growing boy!

Our birthday weekend started with breakfast at Cracker Barrel Friday morning.
He is slowly building his vocabulary and has recently added "no" and "go"  to the words he knows (this should be fun). One of the women who takes care of him at daycare is named Rachel, and he can say her name on command. He can crawl about as fast as I can run (only half joking here) and pulls up on everything. He enjoys pushing his walker toy around the living room, so I'm thinking he's merely a few weeks from walking.

We recently found out that he is asthmatic and will need breathing treatments from a nebulizer until further information from his doctor. He got his one year shots the Monday after his birthday and handled them like a boss. On his birthday, he got his finger pricked and didn't even whimper. Clearly, he's tough like his mom and dad!

This first year has been amazing, and we've made some sweet memories I'll cherish forever.

We had his birthday party at the Olive Branch City Park last Sunday at two; so many people came to celebrate our little guy!



Between my in-laws, parents, and husband, we had a full feast! Hamburgers, hotdogs, bratwursts, homemade mac-n-cheese, rotel dip, and so much more--I don't think anyone left hungry! My mom, being Bev, went around holding all the small children so other mamas could fix their plates and eat.

Vaught had mac-n-cheese and chocolate cake! He didn't eat very much cake, but I think he liked it!

My Aunt Janet made his football cake; we loved it! Perfect for our little linebacker.

He got so many gifts! I was honest with anyone who asked me what he "wanted." Every time I pick him up from daycare, he's surrounded by toys and is so happy. We don't have a ton of toys for him at our house. To be honest, he's entertained by pretty much anything, so getting lots of toys for him hasn't really crossed my mind. When people asked me about a birthday gift, I told them: toys.

His great-grandparents from Meridian got him a toy box that we set up in our living room when it arrived a few nights ago. Vaught knows exactly what it's for and knows how to pull things out... We're still working on putting everything back :)

Kenton was too cute in her pink sunglasses!

Vaught fell down and got upset; Aunt Audrana was there to make it better!

We had such a fun party, and I'm so appreciative for the help from my in-laws and parents for making it happen. Without them, there's absolutely no way this party would have happened. For next year, however, Eric has already warned me that we're keeping it low-key, or he's not attending. Well, alright then, Mr. Pace.

Vaught's "girlfriend" Darby came all the way from Saltillo to celebrate!

This huge blowup football was fun... until it went into the lake. Pictures below :)

Uncle Cliff and Aunt Jess, my fabulous hair stylist, came too!
I can't say enough about my best friend Jaymo. She wouldn't miss a second of Vaught's life for anything!
Sweet cousins, Vaught and Ava!

Vaught and cousin Cherish!

Someone kicked the football and the wind carried it into the lake.

Thank you to our friends and family from near and far for coming to help celebrate with Vaught. I can't explain how much your love and support mean to us. We love you all so much; we're so blessed to have people like you in our lives!

Happy Birthday, Vaught!

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