Friday, March 25, 2016

Fried Chicken and Beer//Salads and Water

Sometimes I go to events and eat fruit and cheese and sip water and behave myself. Sometimes I drink four glasses of wine, three cups of beer, and inhale five pieces of fried chicken tenders. It's called balance.

One thing I love about the way I live healthfully is that I readily and happily and proudly admit that I don't do it perfectly.

And there are times that I don't do it at all. I never put on this façade that I'm super healthy all the time. I don't make a show about making healthy choices in front of others, and I certainly don't condemn others for the way they choose to eat or live their lives. Because I'm human, I understand that we're all entitled to eat and fuel our bodies the way we see fit, no pun intended. Should we always strive for healthy choices? Duh. But it's not necessarily reality.

You may have seen me at Panera Bread with a friend a couple of weeks ago. I ordered a half salad with a side of fruit and sipped water and fed my baguette that came with the salad to my son. I worked out that night and had a protein smoothie afterwards.

Or you may have noticed me at my cousin's wedding last weekend balancing two plates of chicken tenders and burger sliders on my arm, yelling at my husband to get me another beer, and carrying a roll in my mouth on my way outside to eat in peace, away from the crowd. 

Yep, it's called balance.

I love that I can be honest about my journey and my life with you guys. I love that I can be honest with myself, too. I eat healthily roughly 80% of the time. Sometimes I'm a little better, sometimes I'm a total slacker. Lately? I'm right in between. I'll have a few super healthy days, then a day of French fries and ice cream. 

I'm working out 2-3 times each week, running at least once a week, and am tracking my weight every few days.

 I am super busy right now with work at Amy Head and building my team with ItWorks Global. I'm honestly happy just maintaining right now. Really soon I'm going to get "serious" again and working on the 10-15 pounds I'd like to lose by summer. For now? I'm enjoying a full sugar, full fat frappucino. I'm having a salad for dinner.

It's called balance.

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