Thursday, May 7, 2015

When I'm not sure what's going to happen...

As of right now, my job situation for next year is up in the air. By that, I mean that I'm not sure what's going to happen. 

When I was hired in early April at Oxford High School, my principal made sure that I knew that there was a chance I would not be here next year; a new principal is coming in, and he is making all of the new hire decisions. New principals often bring their own staff; they have in mind who they'd like to hire, and if you've not already signed a contract, there's a good chance you may not be one of those people. So, I knew before coming in that this may not be permanent; it just meant that I would have a good, steady income from April to August. And I didn't know it at the time, but it meant that I would fall in love with the classroom all over again. 

I interviewed with the new principal and still haven't heard back. I had another interview with a middle school an hour and a half from where we live and haven't heard back from them yet either. I have another interview Monday at a school very close to our home... Basically, there is still SO much that I'm not sure about.

When I'm not sure what's going to happen, I find peace in trusting in God to pull me (us) through. All of my interviews went well, I just know that this is the time of year when districts have an abundance of applicants; the interview process can be long and laborious for everyone. I hate the waiting period, but I'm trusting the Lord to put me where He wants me next year.--His will, not my own. 

One thing I'm certain about is that I am staying home this summer. Aside from an online class for graduate school, I'm not attending any classes at Ole Miss. As much as I love my job at my mom's office, I'm not working there either. I'm going to save gas and childcare expenses by staying home with our little guy and finally getting to enjoy a "teacher's summer!" Hopefully though, I will know very soon where I'll be teaching and will be putting lesson plans together between naps and random trips to Target!

I will also be getting back on my good, solid gym schedule! I have fallen off track lately but am on my way back to my good habits. I'm excited to see more results!


  1. Oh man the teachers summer sounds amazing!! I hope you hear back about your job soon!!

    1. Thanks, Samantha! Me too! For now, I'm just going to trust the process and take it all as it comes :)

  2. Oh, enjoy your teacher's summer! :) I love your heart in trusting God's plan and the process through all of this. I'm lifting you up in prayer for peace and a continual trust in Him. :)

    1. Thanks, Kelsey! I've been proven time and time again that trusting in Him is the best way to go.
