I got done with my workout a few nights ago and was laying in the tanning bed (yes, I know I shouldn't) at my gym when I was about to post my familiar gym selfie/polar watch combo and a thought occurred to me:
no one really cares. Somehow, I have racked up more than 1,100 followers on my personal Instagram, probably through the use of promoting my blog, meeting fellow bloggers, etc. I absolutely love the people who take a moment to read my blog, but that doesn't mean that everyone on Instagram wants to see just how attractive I am after a good sweat session at the gym.
Gym selfies can be annoying, I get it. Sometimes I really do feel like people just post them for attention or as a means of fishing for likes or compliments. Sorry, but that's not me, and I hope it's pretty evident. I am so motivated by the people who post their progress photos. I'm almost always motivated to get off my butt and go for a run or hit the gym; that's where the infamous sweat selfies have their most positive effect. I like showing people my progress; when I know that people are watching, I'm all the more motivated to keep it up!
Nearly two years ago, I started an Instagram account that I intended to make my "Fitstagram" so that I could post as much about my health and fitness journey as I could without annoying family and friends on my personal Instagram. I wasn't very good at keeping it updated, but I've decided to try again. I've made such incredible progress in the past few months that I'm starting to think,
Well, why not?? If I can motivate just one person I'll be happy.
With that being said, I am picking up my Fitstagram account once again. I just "went public" with it yesterday morning and have already racked up nearly 200 followers and am looking forward to reeling in many more! I won't post half-naked photos or an obsessive amount of selfies, but it will be an outlet for most of my gym/fitness posts. If you've not interacted with the fit family on Instagram, you need to! There's an abundance of motivation and support from fellow fit fans, and they always give me the encouragement I need to keep going!
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