Monday, May 25, 2015

Vaught: 8 Months Old

Our little guy is eight months old today!

Weight: 22 pounds
Length: Not sure exactly, but he's probably pushing 28 or 29 inches!

Vaught's drinking less and less formula and enjoying more solids. We are loving our Bzz Campaign right now for Gerber Li'l Bits! We got some free samples and have enjoyed handing out coupons so other little ones can try Li'l Bits! Vaught loves mashed up sweet potato, avocado, any kind of fruit, and soft bread, as well as Happy Baby organic baby food.

Size 4 and Huggies Snug and Dry Ultra are still our go-to!

Size 9-12 month everything now. We've put away all of his footed sleepers; he just sleeps in a onesie and soft pants or a onesie alone.

A tooth popped up a few weeks ago, and now another one is coming in! We are teething, but we're not teething. Teeth are coming in, but Vaught has not been fussy or irritable at all. I thought that babies cry a lot when teeth start cutting through, but all we've had so far is a lot of drool!
Vaught's been laughing and talking more. He can say "mama," "dada," "bah bah," and "Wo-ah." I'm pretty sure that last one is "Lola." He loves patting her head and pulling on her ears. She doesn't seem to mind a bit!
He can go from laying on his back to sitting up. I noticed him doing that a few days ago and realized I hadn't seen him do that until recently.
He can push himself around in his walker; for a while he would just sit in it and play, but now he can move it all over the place!
Speaking of being more mobile, he has woken up a few times in the middle of the night recently due to having gotten "stuck" in some sort of position while sleeping. One night he had rolled to his back and his little arm was tucked behind him. Another night, he scooted to the edge, and his leg was hanging out of the crib. He's a wiggle worm!
He LOVES other children and wants to play with every little person he sees! Since I'm staying at home this summer, I'm going to make a point to make playdates with my fellow mom friends and their little ones!

I will have a post on some of Vaught's favorite things in the next few days; be on the lookout! 
Favorite Pictures
Trying to decide what to order at Starbucks--so many options!
Love this Colonel Reb onesie from Aunt Audrana!

We couldn't be happier to have such a sweet, happy baby. I love the way God made and tell him so every single day. He is such a little blessing!


  1. He is so freakin' handsome! I have twin nephews who turned 1 at the beginning of the month. They've been working on walking more and more often. When they stay over at my mom's house, they love touching things that they are not supposed to, like picture frames. You'll see them walk over to them and you'll tell them not to touch it and they smile and look at you as they touch it. The funniest part is when they walk, they bend their arms in a way that they look like little t-rex dinosaurs walking around. It is hilarious.

    1. Oh my, that made me smile! I would love to see those little guys! Vaught can rock back and forth on his hands and knees but hasn't really made an attempt at crawling yet. We think he'll be walking before he crawls!
