Today I'm talking about the business side of ItWorks; on Tuesday, I'll be talking about some of our products, including our famous "skinny wraps!"
Thank you SO much to those of you who inboxed me with a question. I am happy to answer these for you as honestly as I can!
This post is pretty lengthy, so get comfortable! Here we go...
I know there are so many people out there who really want to know (but are afraid to ask) how does this company really work?!
I feel like people who are not ItWorks! distributors look atit as a taboo subject, something that cannot be disclosed unless you are alegit distributor with ItWorks! Global. However, that is far from the truth.Our compensation plan is available to the public (Google it), as is our income disclosurechart, which I've placed below.
Even still, many people may read it and think, Okay, but… What’s the catch? There has to bea catch. Right?
Well, no. Not really. Let me explain. Signing up to become a distributor is easy. You go to the website and click JOIN. Add the Business Builder Kit to your cart. ItWorks! does give you the option to “boost” your kit and add more wraps, but it’s totally upto you whether or not you do that.
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This is what the kit looks like. Lots of fun stuff plus wraps and defining gel samples! |
How are you paid?
Via an online pay portal that allows you to transfer to your bank account or to an ItWorks Prepaid Card, Distributors are paid once a month. Bonuses are awarded every Thursday or Friday afternoon. These fast-start bonuses are super easy to get once you get going. I love getting an extra $100 nearly every week! This week I actually received two bonuses and got $199! I was super excited!Okay, but isn’t there a certain amount you have to sell to be paid? Don’t you have to reach a monthlyquota? Will you be charged if you don’t meet that quota?
Two options. You can set up an autoship of about $80 for yourself to guarantee payment (I always advise my team members to do this, as people want to see that you’re using the products you’re promoting!) OR you cansell about $150 in products monthly to loyal customers. Both of these options are super easy. About two thirds of my distributors have their own autoship set up, and about a third of them rely mainly on customer sales. So far, no one, to my knowledge ,has had any problems with these options. No, you’re not charged anything if you don’t sell a certain amount of products. You’re simply paid based on one of two things: having your autoship set up OR having $150 in cumulative sales.
So do people end up spending more than they actually make??
Let me just be real. This sometimes happens to new distributors in their first month or first two months. Example: They pay $99 for the startup kit, then some of them will want to set up an autoship of about $100 so they can try some products. That’s about $199 spent. Based on what day of the month they sign up and whether or not they sell those first four wraps, they may very well make less than what they spent during that first month. That’s why I tell every new distributor to give it at least three months. It takes time to get started, like any new business!
What is the monthly cost of being a distributor? What do I absolutely have to spend each month?
The autoship is completely optional. Aside from that, it’s $20 a month for your website (your first month with the website is free; it was covered in your $99 startup). Coming from someone who blogs, that’s not bad at all. I pay yearly for my blog; with ItWorks!, you simply pay monthly. Do people have to buy the products directly from you then pick them up?
No, they order straight from my website. Products go directly to them. I handle no inventory aside from the wraps I purchase myself to sell for wrap cash!Is ItWorks a pyramid scheme?
Pyramid schemes are illegal. We’ve been around since 2001, and I feel confident that if we were doing anything sneaky, we’d have been shut down long ago. We are multilevel marketing, so there are promotional levels and places for advancement in this business (pretty sure this is common in others businesses as well). Work hard and you’ll get there. Also, it is very possible for you to surpass the people “above you.” In real pyramid schemes, this is not possible and very few people ever make it to the “top.” Let me also just throw this out there and because I'm a retired teacher, I have to. I can't not put this out there. It's my blog. Okay, here we go...
If ItWorks! is a pyramid scheme, so is teaching. As a new teacher, you’re paid a crap salary to deal with crap. Say what you will, but it’s crap. Teachers do some incredible things, but they’re extremely underpaid. You can stay in it for years, be an awesome teacher, and hardly make a higher salary each year.
Above you is the principal or perhaps an instructional facilitator. They deal with crap too but make a little more money than you do. You can join their ranks, but you’ve gotta pay a lot of money for a higher degree and work even harder. Your salary is likely to still be crap though. Above the principal is the superintendent. They, too, deal with a lot of crap from even more people, but they typically make apretty good income. Work as hard as you can, and you may still never become a Superintendent. Get all the degrees, get involved in the politics, and you may still never. get. there.
After the superintendent, there are positions at the StateBoard of Education. I have absolutely no idea what all kinds of crap they deal with, nor do I have any information about how to get those jobs and I have no intentions of ever finding out.
I love and care about education and gave the above analogy with a slick side of humor, so please don’t be offended if you are a teacher; I’m a (retired) teacher too! This is just the best way I can explain the whole pyramid thing because I was a teacher for four years and saw how corrupt oureducation system really is.
Work hard with ItWorks, and you’ll get there. It takes some people two months to go Diamond. It takes others about a year. For some, it takes a few years. Either way, if it took you five years to earn an average of$2,000-$15,000 each month on the side or as your full time income, would you say it was worth it? Think about it.
Is ItWorks a scam?
Scams typically take money from you with no product or service in return. If you go to my website and sign up to become a loyal customer or even purchase a product at retail price, you’re going to receive that product. If for some reason you don’t receive your product(s), our customer service team is amazing. They’re likely to refund your money immediately and/or send you the product for free. They do everything to make our customers happy;we seriously have the best customer service!
I don’t see anything scammy about getting a product you paid for.
Let me also say that just because the product did not work for you or did not work as well as you wanted it to, that does not make ItWorks! a scam. Just because you “made no money” in the two months you tried being a Distributor, that does not make this business a scam.
Do I have to "build a team" to be successful?
Nope. You can make a lot of money simply by selling products and gathering customers (I guess I could have also disclosed this in the pyramid question earlier). At the same time, it's highly likely that you'll eventually find customers who love the products so much, they'll want to sign up and do this with you! Again, it's not necessary at all to build a team, but it sure is worth it to share this with others!
I absolutely love what I do. I love that this is my full-time job. I love that I'm retired at twenty-five years old. I never saw this for myself, but it was God's plan--not my own. I'm very grateful that He placed this business in my life when He did. It's truly been a blessing!
Feel free to send me an email if you want more information on ItWorks products (post coming Tuesday!) or on becoming a Distributor! I'm happy to tell you more!
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