I see you, mama.
You're up before the sun breaks the darkness. You're spending a few minutes with God, you're cooking breakfast, you're packing lunches.
You've got about 20 minutes to get yourself and the little ones ready and get out the door.
You're still pulling a comb through your hair as you start the car.
I see you, mama. And you're doing just fine.
I see you.
You're prying your baby's fingers out of your hand as you drop her off at daycare. You know she'll be fine once you're gone, but you always hate to leave her.
You're on your feet all day. You're counting money. Leading meetings. Cutting hair. Tending to sick patients. Teaching preschoolers.
I see you, mama. And you're doing just fine.
I see you.
You come home tired and in need of a nap, but there's so much more to do. You've got hungry mouths to feed, homework to help get done. Just when you finally sit down to eat, your youngest throws his bowl of macaroni into the floor. He's a mess, but you don't mind; he's cute and giggly and covered in noodles.
I see you, mama. And you're doing just fine.
I see you.
The little ones are in bed, and you've got an hour before its time for you to collapse too. You could catch up on laundry. Or your favorite show. Or open that book you've been meaning to read. You fold laundry while watching TV and call yourself an excellently skilled multitasker.
I see you, mama. And you're doing just fine.
I see you.
Your head finally hits the pillow and as exhausted as you are, you can't help but feel thankful. You pray for your little ones and thank God for the blessing of being their mama. You spend a few minutes with Him just before falling asleep.
I see you, mama. And you're doing just fine.
You're tired, you're busy, but you wouldn't want it any other way. Each day brings something new. Never think for a second that your efforts go unnoticed; you're appreciated not on just one day but every single day of the year. Keep pushing. Keep loving. Keep mothering.
I see you, mama. And you're doing just fine.

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