Wednesday, December 30, 2015

"Everything Fits!"

I'm working on a post detailing what we've been up to over the holidays, but today's post is going back in the direction of health and fitness. Although I've put on a couple of holiday feast pounds (and for the first time ever I'm not at all worried about it), my progress with weight loss definitely showed in the Christmas gifts my mom and dad got for me this year.

I'll never forget waking up on Christmas morning two years ago in 2013 and stepping on the scale in my bathroom, horrified at the number it flashed back at me. I have no idea what possessed me to weigh myself on Christmas morning, but I'm so glad that I did. It was the wake-up call that I needed, and I'm so proud and thankful to say that I now weigh nearly forty pounds less than I did on that day two years ago.

I also remember opening gifts at Mom and Dad's... My mom is one heck of a shopper, so she collects Christmas gifts (clothes) for us all year. I remember pulling shirt after shirt, dress after dress, out of my enormous Christmas bag, thankful to even be receiving presents on Christmas morning, but at the same time, I was humiliated as I held and admired each piece, knowing that hardly any of it would fit me. They were all such pretty, and some of them expensive, pieces... I'd already made my mind up that morning that I was going to change my bad habits, and the clothes just made me all the more determined.

Well, fast forward to this year. Again, another humongous bag stuffed with clothes and t-shirts. But this year, I admired each piece with appreciation and confidence.

"Do you like your stuff, Kate?" my mom asked me.

"Yeah!" I told her. "I think everything is going to fit, too!"

My mom gave me this kind of incredulous look... "Yeah, I think it will too." I don't think she really understood why I was so excited about stuff fitting.

So when we got home Christmas night, I laid out some of my clothes from my Christmas bag and began trying them on. There was much more in my bag, but below are three of the t-shirts my mom got me.

ALL of the t-shirts above are size LARGE. Do you know how long it's been since I worn a plain size large t-shirt? It may not seem like much to some of you, but I'm used to XXL t-shirts "fitting..." 
But the size large shirts above are perfect!
Since my sorority days when humongous t-shirts were it, I haven't bought that many t-shirts, so I haven't really noticed how huge an XXL shirt fits me now... But in the first photo of this post, the gray shirt I have on is a 2XL and whoa... That's quite a large shirt!
She also got me a pair of pajama pants (size large that are amazing) and a dress from a boutique that I love (XL). I didn't get pictures with those, but they are both perfect fits!
When my husband walked into our bedroom and saw me trying on my Christmas gifts, he asked me, "You like what she got you?"
My response? With pride and humility: "Yeah! Everything fits!"


  1. Amazing! I love it! Congrats!!! You look awesome

    1. Thanks, Caroline! Wishing you a Happy New Year!

  2. So happy for you. So glad it all fits. Your mom sounds like my mom, gives nice clothes.

    1. She is amazing--she buys the cutest clothes. I swear, she's got better style than I do! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Congrats!!! Weight loss is hard. I have about 60 to lose! Great job!

  4. Hats awesome! I've received clothes this year that are too small (I've put on a load of weight) so I'm looking forward to things fitting again! :)

  5. Congratulations on your weight loss!

  6. That is awesome! I actually have a post about my healthy eating and weight loss today too. I can finally fit back into all my cute clothes, and get rid of all the ones I had to buy because nothing fit. It's a really great feeling, and I'm so happy that you had it too. You look amazing!

  7. Wonderful! Congrats on your weight loss journey!
