Monday, November 9, 2015

Life Updates

I've not fallen off the face of the earth, nor have I quit blogging; I am simply without Internet at my house and can't haul off to Starbucks every time I need it... Okay, so I can, but for the sake of my budget, I'm trying not to.

So, what have we been up to??

I'm not going to lie: I am working harder than I ever have and still somehow feel like I just can't get it together. The stress was real a few weeks ago, and I finally broke down and made an appointment with my doctor. That, my friends, is real life, and I'm glad I was able to recognize the signs of needing to seek help from a professional. I am feeling so much better and am enjoying my job again. I love how hard I work and how it pays off at the end of most every day.

In the last couple weeks, I've been teaching my sweet sixers some pretty complex skills, and they're killing it and by killing it I mean they're doing an amazing job! I was so impressed with the last test they took for me, and I'm excited for the one I'm giving this Friday.

Eric loves his job at Moore Technical College in Memphis, and I'm so glad. He is happy to get up and go to work each day and he comes home happy and in good spirits, even on those strenuous Tuesday and Thursdays when he's at the school from seven until nine.

And Vaught? Well, he's grand! He took his first steps yesterday, and I was SO excited! He thought it was hilarious and eventually just fell to the floor giggling at all of us watching him. I was glad to see him have a good day; he's still been coughing a lot and has woken up in the middle of the night a couple of times with slight fever. Even still, he stays happy and playful and is so sweet to other children. I love sneaking up on him when I pick him up at daycare and watching him interact with the other kids!

For Halloween Vaught dressed as Laquon Treadwell!

He loves my homemade pumpkin spice pancakes!
I have two major goals for the next two weeks until Thanksgiving break: stay on top of things at school and work out 3-4 times each week. Lately, I've only been going to the gym twice a week and going for a short run once or twice a week, but I'm going to get back in a good gym routine before Thanksgiving! I stepped on the scale a few days ago and was thrilled to see that I've not regressed in my weight loss; my weight teeters between 204 and 207 pounds. Although I'm not quite where I'd like to be, I am truly happy with how I look for now. There's still some to lose, but I'm at total peace with my body and feel confident and happy :)

Can I just say I'm so blessed to have this girl in my life?!

Loved my cozy outfit for Saturday's game against Arkansas!
I hope you're all doing well! Thanks for not giving up on me as I struggle without the convenience of wifi, haha! Have an amazing week!


  1. Hi Kate, I'm new here, visiting from The Blog Elite thread on FB. I love your little corner of the world here. You are one very busy lady. And I love how you've set goals and are working toward them with grace. Your little man is adorable. Keep at it . . . you're doing a great job!

  2. Hi, Deb! Thanks so much for stopping by! I love making new blogging friends :) Thanks for the encouragement and love today!

  3. I really loved reading your update. I know how you feel without wifi. I was out a couple months ago for about a week and I was going crazy. I am impressed that you realized the stress was bad and asked for help. Not many people would and I know about stress.
    Keep hanging in and can't wait to read your next post.

  4. Your little one is so adorable! Congratulations on his first steps! Also, I love that you set goals for yourself and are sticking to them. Keep up being awesome :)
