Friday, July 3, 2015

Week 5 Progress

Weight lost so far: 12.5 pounds
Inches lost from waist: 4
I'm 15 pounds lighter than I was on my wedding day. 
I'm 21 pounds lighter than I was at my heaviest pre-pregnancy in December 2013. 
Happier and healthier each day :) 
 I hope you're not as terrified as I am about my going "full frontal" in the photo above. Although I will strip down in front of anyone in a heartbeat, I'm not too crazy about showing my stomach on the Internet, but when I noticed in the mirror how much flatter my tummy seems after five weeks of clean eating and exercise, I thought what the hey? It's great for shock value, right?

All jokes aside, I'm feeling great at the end of week five! I'm using ItWorks greens once per day, and I've not taken a Thermofit in nearly two weeks. Last week I mentioned that the company has pretty slow shipping? Well, it turns out they weren't slow this time; my reorder of Greens and Thermofit and another item for a friend was supposedly delivered to my doorstep on June 18th. I was home that day; I would have heard the mailman drop it off because Lola goes absolutely nuts every time someone is at the front door. I just found out about all this a few days ago when I finally decided to check the tracking number on the USPS website. I know I waited too long to do that--that part is my fault. But I went ahead and filed a claim with USPS. I may or may not get my money back since I waited too late. I'm a little peeved about that and am still waiting to hear back. In the meantime, I placed a new order for the face wash, which I can't wait to try! But I'm just a little bitter about $160 of products having either been stolen or delivered to the wrong house. I'll keep you posted.

My eating has been a bit more lax this week; not bad, but less strict. I was so afraid of having treats in the beginning. I thought one milkshake or one bag of popcorn would completely erase all of my progress. Only this past week have I been able to get it through my head that that's not at all true. I had Coke and popcorn on Monday, and I had a milkshake Thursday night--and still lost weight! Little treats here and there are definitely needed in order to keep my sanity!

This was a random "salad" I made for lunch one day. Random but yummy!

If you've not tried NICE cream, you're missing out! One semi-frozen banana, one-half cup of semi-frozen strawberries blended together. SO good!

We had to make a super early grocery run Wednesday morning. Our grocery store is right beside Panera Bread, so I grabbed a latte and oatmeal with almond, honey, and quinoa for 400 calories.

A well-deserved strawberry milkshake with Oreo bits for Thursday night's dessert.

My left leg is still a little sore from the muscle I pulled, but I went heavier on squats yesterday morning. My legs are a little jello-y today, but no pain! I'm noticing my gym clothes fitting looser; might need to size down with Fabletics before too long :)

Coming Up
Happy Fourth! We're going to a party later on, where I hope I can continue eating well without missing out on yummy, patriotic treats! It's BYOA, but we're not bringing any alcohol; my husband and I both decided to abstain from drinking this Holiday. I hope you all have a safe and happy Independence Day. God bless America! 


  1. I love nicecream. There is a food truck in my town that sells this stuff, and it's addicting. Way to go on your progress!
