Saturday, July 11, 2015

Six Weeks Strong

I'm six weeks strong today. Forty-two days of healthy eating and exercise have me feeling better than I've felt in years. I've had Starbucks twice this week, and I snuck in a milkshake after my workout last night.

And I still lost weight this week! I'm down a pound a half, bringing my total loss to 14 pounds. It may not seem or look like much, but it's slow and steady loss, and I couldn't be happier. I did want to lose three pounds this week, but I'm still loving my progress. Celebrate those small losses; they add up!

Six week difference... This is what keeps me going!
I can see the biggest changes in my midsection, where I've lost all of my bloat from soda and sugary drinks. In the last week or so though, I've begun seeing progress in my legs; they're stronger and leaner than they've ever been. Leg progress makes me happy!

I'm still eating really well but not as strict as I was the first two or three weeks. I have a small treat every few days, and it's just enough to keep me happy. I only worked out twice this week and could totally feel it last night. Last night's routine was:

10 deadlifts (40 pound barbell)
10 lunges each leg (with 40lb barbell on shoulders)
10 squat and press with 15lb dumbbells
15 tricep dips with 20lb dumbbell
20 pulsating sumo squats with 20lb dumbbell
Do for three rounds.
One mile on treadmill

This isn't an extremely grueling workout, but I was sweating like crazy after only a few minutes. My legs feel nice and jello-y this morning... Is it weird that I enjoy that feeling? This is a good, simple routine you can do at home with dumbbells... Give it a try!

And speaking of today, we are on our way to the beach! I'm so excited to be going on our annual beach vacation with my little family this year. Although we won't be there until Monday (stopping for two nights in Meridian), I'm so excited to spend a week with my family!

I spent all this week getting us packed, and yes, I'm taking my gym bag! I can't wait to keep up my fitness routine while vacationing and see where I'm at after the week. I'm still going to log calories, but I'm also going to relax a little. I think this mama deserves it.

Hope you all have an amazing weekend and week!

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