Saturday, June 6, 2015

I kinda sorta broke my little corner of the Internet.

Ha. Really, but not really. I didn't pose half-naked with a wine glass on my rear, but I did pose somewhat scantily clad (for me at least) to show my six-day progress using ItWorks! products.

     Actually, I had been using the products for about four weeks. Remember in a recent post when I said I was on a new program I'd be sharing with you soon? It was ItWorks. I simply wanted to try it for a little while before sharing. I had a bad taste in my mouth for the company; I was sick of distributors (people I didn't even know) sending me messages left and right about trying "that crazy wrap thing." At some point though, I began to consider giving it a try.

     I was in a major slump not too long ago. I gained some weight back and felt like crap. I could tell I was pudgier, and my workouts weren't delivering the results they had before. The problem turned out to be my diet, but it would take a little time before I realized this. Some days I was eating up to 3,000 calories. I was drinking soda and indulging in sweets nearly every day. Despite not really having a sweet tooth, I couldn't stop eating cookies and chocolate. I was getting frappucinos and sugary iced lattes nearly every day. It still didn't hit me that I needed to make drastic changes, yet again, in my journey.

     I haven't really been hiding anything from my fitness community, but I guess I haven't been completely honest in disclosing certain details of my journey. I dug myself out of my rut for a few days, only to find myself right back in it in a matter of time. So, I decided to try the ninety day challenge with ItWorks.

     When I received my first three products in the mail, I was excited, for I just knew they'd be a quick fix to get me right back on track. Four weeks later, all I'd noticed was higher energy levels, which was great, but little to no weight loss. Like I said though, I did not change my eating habits at all. I kept eating like crap.

     Last Saturday, May 30th, I woke up and looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't like what I saw. I had lost weight, a good bit of it since having Vaught, but any mom, even those who have always been slender, will tell you that pregnancy really does change your body. I've never had a flat stomach, but I noticed it bulged out even more than pre-pregnancy. I felt puffy and bloated, perhaps from too much soda or sugary coffees. I didn't like looking like that, and I knew I had change something. Anyone on this journey will tell you that there is a lot of starting over. It's not like you start and you don't ever have to reassess your goals, your sanity, your reason for putting yourself and your body through this. There have been days where I've accepted defeat, days where my stomach seemed like a bottomless pit as I ate and ate and ate, and then there was that night a few months ago when I devoured an entire pint of Ben & Jerry's all by myself. It's not easy, weight loss. Making healthy choices is hard. But it is so very worth it.

     The past six days, seven now, have proven to me how worth it this journey is. Last Saturday afternoon, I decided to take a new "before" picture. My pregnancy photos have served as before photos, but I'm done with that. My baby will be nine months old this month, so I'm off the postpartum wagon. I took a new picture then made the commitment to use the ItWorks products the right way--with clean eating and exercise. I cleaned up my diet that very day, set new goals, adjusted my caloric intake, and restarted my journey, for the third or fourth time. Six days later, yesterday, I looked in the mirror as I was getting dressed for our weekly grocery run. I was in a sports bra and yoga leggings. "What the...?" I whispered as I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. The photo below speaks for itself.

     There is only a SIX day difference in these two photos. I have made some awesome changes this week, and I'm so happy to be sharing them with you! I sent this to three ItWorks distributors: my representative (a girl named Meg that I don't know personally--I did that on purpose), my cousin Holly, and a college friend, Casey. Two of them used the photo and got great feedback on it, so I decided to share my picture on Facebook. WOW at the comments and response I received. Friends, sorority sisters, and former coworkers were messaging me about what I'm doing and how I'm using the ItWorks products. I was thrilled to know that I could help them out by telling them more about these products, as well as the lifestyle changes I'm making.

     I now only use Thermofit and Greens. Thermofit is basically a metabolism booster, while Greens aids in balancing out your PH levels and boosts your energy. I take Thermofit once or twice daily WITH FOOD (you will hate yourself if you take it on an empty stomach) and I drink a glass of greens once each day. I am not selling these products; you'll have to check out the company's website to learn more.

     I drink 150+ ounces of water each day; no soda or sugary drinks. I had Starbucks ONCE this week, and it was a grande light iced beverage for about 110 calories :)

     I work out at my gym three-four times weekly and go on a walk with Vaught nearly every day. Sometimes we walk a couple of miles, while other days we'll just get out and stroll for fifteen or twenty minutes. Hey, exercise is exercise!

     I plan my meals ahead using MyFitnessPal and log my calories accordingly. I am currently following a 1,650 calories per day plan, but I don't panic if I go over a little. I've done so much better with my eating this week! That makes me happy!

     I'm not sure if I'll continue using ItWorks once my 90 day challenge is complete. I'm not sure that I'll try the wraps. I know a lot of people on their weight loss journeys are very anti big-company-products (It Works, Advocare, Plexus, you name it), and that's totally fine. I strongly believe God has thrown a lot of things my way in the past few months as a means of helping me realize my full potential and helping me to reach my goals. The supplements from this company are not quick fixes at all, but when combined with a healthy diet and exercise, they can definitely boost your progress, and I think the photos above are definitely proof of that. I am so thrilled at the difference six days "starting over" has made, and I look forward to what's to come.
The photos in this post are sole property of Katherine Pace, owner of Keeping Pace Blog. I reserve all rights to the photos and intend for their use to be strictly for promoting this website. If you would like to use the photos as a means of promoting ItWorks! Global, please contact me at


  1. I'm glad you've found a balance and method for you on this weightloss journey! It definitely is not easy! But with enough fous and determination and will, anything is possible!

  2. That is so brave!! Congratulations on your weightloss journey! Good job!!

  3. Congrats on finding a program that works! You look great!

  4. Wow! You are doing amazing! To an extent I kind of agree about being tired of those that are "over selling", although I understand that is their second or sometimes main source of income so I get it... but good for you for giving it a try! Keep it up!
