Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Five Things that Might Surprise You...

I've noticed some new faces around here, so I wanted to do a quick "five things" post for the blog today. I love having new readers and try to get in touch with each of you who comment or send me an email or message on social media. You really do make my day! I hope the five things I've listed below tell you a little more about me :)

5. I loathe Luke Bryan. Like, for real. I can't stand to see him or hear him. I highly dislike new age country music already, but in my opinion, that man is a disgrace to new and old country music. My friends would probably say this is not surprising at all, but as a deeply rooted southern girl, it might surprise some of you. I worry about the manhood of any male that can dance like that in jeans much tighter than the ones I wear. ToatlFratMove says it best here.

Same crap, different song.

4. I can sing. But I eventually grew to hate singing in front of people. When I was younger, I took part in all kinds of musical productions at church and school and used to sing solos at church on a regular basis, but I haven't done anything of the sort in a while. I sang at my hometown's middle school beauty pageant in fall of 2012 and that's the last time I've sung in public.

3. I write poetry, short stories, etc. This is the writer in me. I've been writing poetry ever since I knew what it was, probably around age 10 or 11. I've started a poem for Vaught to read when he's older, but there's no telling when I'll finish it. I've had three of my poems published and one was selected to be published in a best-selling book of high school students' poetry.

2. I've served time in jail. Like, one hour. Our senior prank didn't go as planned, so 20 of us were arrested and booked in jail. It turned out to be quite the story, and I love telling it :)

1. I am very conservative. I think this surprises people the most because I'm so open and accepting of others. I love meeting people who are different from me and getting to know them and their stories. I've always found this fascinating, and I honestly think it's a great thing! I realize that I don't have to agree with everyone, but that doesn't mean I can't learn new things by listening to others who follow beliefs and morals different from my own. I also call myself conservative in general; I get a little frustrated when I see pre-teen girls wearing string bikinis!

I hope this post tells you a little more about me. Thank you for being such awesome readers! You all mean so much to me!



  1. fun post! I can't stand Luke Bryan either lol. Hilarious that you were booked in jail for a senior prank - do tell that one in a blog post!

    1. I'll definitely have to! Luke Bryan just gives me the creeps. What man dances like that?!

  2. Yes, the senior prank story sounds like a must-tell. Let's hear it!

    1. LOL. I may need to dedicate an entire post to it. It's a great story!

  3. hahaha, oh goodness, #4. What did you do!?

    I'm terrified of singing in public, but I can sing too! :] I usually just leave it for when I'm in the car or in the shower though.

  4. Fun read, I always love reading more about the blogger! Thanks for sharing :)

  5. I always hearing personal, random facts about bloggers! :)
