Congratulations to me and Baby Vaught! We are officially full term!! Time has definitely flown by. It seems like just yesterday I heard his heartbeat for the first time, found out he was indeed a HE, felt his first kicks... Now he's got his very own room, an overflow of clothes, and more Ole Miss stuff than we do in the entire house. Hotty Toddy for this sweet little Rebel!!
It's six o'clock now and I finally peeled myself off the fresh sheets I put on our bed and made my way to the grocery store for a few items for the weekend. My mom gave us some ribeyes to grill, so we'll be eating good for the next couple of days. Makes me happy :)
Movement: Vaught has calmed down a little. I can feel his little feet kicking the top of my belly, as he is still head down, ready for his big entrance! Or should I say exit??
Weight: at Tuesday's appointment I had actually lost a pound in three weeks! Couldn't believe it! My total pregnancy gain so far is 21 pounds. I'll take it!
Cravings: I'm all about some Sonic ice right now.
That's actually what really motivated me to get out of bed this afternoon. We have a new Sonic in Old Towne Olive Branch, and their ice is amazing. I know all Sonic ice is good, but theirs is like biting into a firm snowball. It's just unfathomable. I'm also craving milk and cookies, especially Oreos. But who doesn't love Oreos?! I satisfy this one with three or four Oreos and a glass of milk at nighttime. I try not to overdo it, but it's only a matter of time before I eat an entire sleeve by myself.
That's actually what really motivated me to get out of bed this afternoon. We have a new Sonic in Old Towne Olive Branch, and their ice is amazing. I know all Sonic ice is good, but theirs is like biting into a firm snowball. It's just unfathomable. I'm also craving milk and cookies, especially Oreos. But who doesn't love Oreos?! I satisfy this one with three or four Oreos and a glass of milk at nighttime. I try not to overdo it, but it's only a matter of time before I eat an entire sleeve by myself.
Tuesday's Appointment: it went really well! I had the Group B Strep test done, which was easy peezy. I have got to stop getting online and reading about these routine tests and exams that pregnant women must endure; so many women claim that "it hurts like hell!" or "I thought I was going to die!" and "Seriously, so uncomfortable." Ehhhhh? I have a reeeeally high pain threshold. Like really high. And I'm just a tough girl. But I went in expecting the worst, and it was no big deal at all. My doctor finally did an internal exam, which, again, was not bad. I was glad to find out that I am soft and thinning but not yet dilated. That can change in a matter of hours or days or even, Lord help, weeks. Again, I do not see myself going much further, as Vaught is already measuring at an estimated 7 pounds and 4 ounces! But that could be off by up to a pound. His head, belly, and spine are all measuring around September fifteenth. My doctor continuously wants growth measurements as this child keeps measuring early.
I'm still walking some, but no more hard workouts; I've developed tendinitis in my right wrist. In all 37 weeks I've not had a whole lot to complain about, but tendinitis?? NOT fun! I can't clasp my bra, turn a doorknob, or brush my hair without yelping. Even texting can be difficult.
Aside from that, I still feel good, but I'm a sleepy mama. It's cute how my husband still waits around for me to cook supper every night. Yesterday, I came in around 5, and he'd already been home about an hour. I changed clothes and laid down in bed, intending to nap for just a little while. He comes tiptoeing into our bedroom and says, "Baby... When are you gonna cook my dinner?" Not our dinner--my dinner. If I'd had the energy I might have been irritated, but it was actually kind of cute. I did end up cooking his dinner, but I was definitely exhausted by nighttime!
Highlights: my mother-in-law bought Vaught the carseat canopy caboodle from We put it on after supper tonight; it's cute as can be!! He is our sweet little Ole Miss Rebel! I'm taking the lap blanket to my "monogram girl" tomorrow to have his initials put on it!
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Chance is starting to accept his role as "big brother!" |
Bump Pic
Sorry but this is all I've got for week 37. I took it when I got home from work then went to sleep for three hours. The bump is wayyyy out there now! I cannot believe I actually thought I looked pregnant when I was like 20 weeks. Haha!
Up Next
My family shower is this Saturday at my aunt's house in New Albany. Eric's grandparents from Meridian are going to make the trip. He is so excited! Since we don't plan on traveling very far with Vaught until he's several months old, I'm glad they're coming and will get to visit with us before he's here. Hopefully they'll be able to come back soon after he arrives.
Ole Miss vs. Vandy at Vanderbilt Saturday at 3:30. My shower is from 2-4, so I told my aunt that at 3:30 we're going to have to turn her TV on SEC Network so I can keep up with the game :) Go Rebels!
Our Ole Miss season football tickets came in!! I hope I get to start going back to games in October, assuming my parents and Eric's won't mind a little babysitting :) Hotty Toddy!
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