HAPPY SEPTEMBER FIRST, LABOR DAY, and BIRTH MONTH to all (and that last one TO ME)!!!
I thought all weekend how hilarious and ironic it would be to go into labor on Labor Day. But it is currently 7PM and we've made it this far. Surely if it were going to be today I'd have some type of heads up by now. But we've still got a few hours left in the day, so I suppose anything is possible :)
If you read me regularly, and I hope you do, then you might remember me mentioning in my week 36 bumpdate that the husband and I were going to go on a date this weekend. I told him last Wednesday or Thursday that I didn't care what it involved--just as long as we didn't sit around the house all weekend long! Friday nights we're both usually pooped from the week, so we ordered pizza and watched college football and stayed relaxed and cozy on the couch. Saturday I made a point to get out and go to Target and TJMaxx, just "browsing" as I like to call it. I ended up finding a pair of black trousers from Target with an elastic, smocked waist; just my size and perfect for post-baby work pants or lounge pants. I have no idea why, because this has not even been mentioned by my doctor, but the moment I saw them I thought, These will be perfect if I end up having to have a C-section! Don't ask me why that was my first thought! But really, they are fabulous! After my browsing excursion, I picked Eric up from the house and we went to Piggly Wiggly (our only grocery shopping outlet now) to pick out some steaks to grill that night. Along with salad and baked potatoes, they went perfectly with all the college football we got to watch! I was probably most impressed with the LSU-Wisconsin game. I had a hunch the whole time that LSU would win, and somehow they did! Although I looooove beating them as a Rebel, I always cheer for the SEC team! And if you wanna talk about those Rebels Thursday night... Wow. We pulled out an awesome 35-13 victory over Boise State, but we didn't really show up to Atlanta until the fourth quarter. Not cool but very typical of the Rebels. Any fan will tell you that.
Sunday--rainy and nasty, so we skipped driving to Potts Camp and opted for an afternoon movie. We saw Into the Storm. My review: don't waste your time. Great storm sequences (I love a good disaster movie), but horrible acting. We got back home around 4 and I got dressed for bed. But after laying there for a few hours, Vaught began kicking like crazy, so I got up and went to the gym hoping to settle him down a little. Thirty minutes of walking on the treadmill was just what he and I needed!
And today was the day I had been waiting for all weekend-- our "date day," we decided to call it. I made breakfast for us, then left for some cardio at the gym but somehow ended up at Olive Branch park where I walk/jogged a mile then grabbed a coffee frappucino from Starbucks. We left the house around 12:15 to see a movie in Collierville. We saw When the Game Stands Tall, which is probably the best football movie I've seen since The Blind Side, though nothing really compares to The Blind Side! Even if you're not an huge egghead like we are, I highly recommend this one--it's such an inspirational movie. Afterwards we met my mom, aunts, cousin, and Grandmother at Firebird's in for an early supper. The original plan was for it to be just the two of us, but my mom just so happened to call as we were on our way there. They had two extra chairs, so why not spend a little extra time with family? The last big thing that was on my to-do list for today was to make this horribly unhealthy but super delicious-looking dessert I'd seen on Pinterest, so we ventured over to Kroger (cheating on the Pig for once), and grabbed everything I needed, along with a few other things to last us through the week (you know, since I'm going through a dozen rolls of toilet paper every week with my six trips to the bathroom at night). Here's the link to the original Pinterest recipe, but I changed it up a bit, so I do believe I can also credit myself.
The website calls it Chocolate Caramel Ice Cream Cake; however, I think that's kind of boring, and if you typed it into Google I'll bet you'd get a million different recipes. I'm in the process of thinking of a clever name for the one I created... The best I can come up with is "Orgasm in a Pan" because that's what I feel is most relevant for this one... Too much? Sorry. I'll keep thinking.
10 Neopolitan Ice Cream Sammies--$3.50 for a box of a dozen. Eric ate the remaining two.
8 Oreos-- $2.17 for the off brand at Kroger.
2 cups of lite whipped topping-- $1.75 at Kroger.
6 fun size Snickers-- $1.60
6 fun size Milky Ways-- $1.60
Chocolate sauce for drizzle-- $2
Caramel sauce for drizzle-- $2
Pretty self-explanatory from the pictures. But I recommend crushing your Oreos and slicing your Snickers and Milk Ways first so your ice cream sandwiches don't melt too quickly in the pan.
Next, line your sandwiches up in your baking pan or whatever dish you're using.
And you're already nearly done! Add your crushed Oreos and chopped up chocolate bars.
Lastly, drizzle with chocolate and caramel sauce, then place in the freezer for an hour.
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As you can see, our three pitties LOVE to help in the kitchen! |
Eric just pulled it out and cut himself a slice (read: enormous chunk) . He says that "Orgasm in a Pan" is a perfect name for this, though the more I think about it the more I feel that it's just a little too inappropriate, especially since I love doing some of my fun desserts with my mom and nieces! I reeeeally don't want to have to explain the name of this one to them! I would say "Sex in a Pan," but I'm pretty sure that's already taken! So I'm still thinking on a name for this; if you've got any, throw them my way. I'll totally give you credit!
I have another prenatal appointment tomorrow, and I'm so excited to see if I'm making any "progress" towards labor. I feel like we are so so close to meeting Vaught, but at the same time I want him to come on his own time when he's ready. I'm so grateful for this lovely weekend Eric and I got to spend together! It could be the last one we have where it's just the two of us, or we could very well get a few more in by the end of this month. Even still, it's crazy to think that we are 99% likely to have our baby boy with us by the end of September. My doctor basically told me that he wouldn't allow me to go past September, but you never know. We just continue to pray for a happy, healthy baby! Also, I will be 24 years young on the 18th of this month... I can't help but look forward to my own birthday!
As you can see, it's been a fun, relaxing weekend, but all this dessert talk and blogging is making me really sleepy... on top of the fact that I'm always sleepy by eight o-clock now :) Check in with me Thursday for Week 37!!!
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