This post may be random, but I promise it's filled with some interesting information, one of them being that I PASSED my three-hour glucose test today with flying colors!
I look really attractive, I know. You don't have to tell me.
If you're a loyal reader, and many of you are for which I am extremely grateful, remember that I failed my one hour test by six points. I've tried to not worry about it, but this second one has been at the back of my mind for the past few days as it drew nearer; I've been terrified that I would fail it too. Many pregnant women have gestational diabetes, so if you're wondering why I made such a big deal of it, just know that as a heavier woman who loves all things health and fitness, I've made having a healthy pregnancy a priority--a big one at that. I think having diabetes while pregnant would make me feel helpless, like all of my efforts (all the exercising, healthy eating, weight-monitoring) would be a total waste. I'm my own worst critic (aren't we all?), and I know I would have just felt like a failure. If you are diabetic, whether you were born with it or developed it later in life, I hope I don't sound too selfish; managing it and taking care of yourself becomes a whole new job on its own, and I have no doubt in my mind that it's a difficult, frustrating thing at times. I have diabetic friends and family members, and I just cannot imagine. They probably contribute greatly to why I was so afraid of being gestationally diabetic. When I got to my OB office, I had my initial checkup; blood pressure was good, urine was clear, and I actually lost 0.2 pounds since my last checkup. For argument's sake, we'll just say nothing changed and keep the total gain at 16.2. I know I said in my week 30 update that I gained about three more pounds, but I have been a bit more loyal to the gym and my diet since coming back from the beach; trust me, I had a lot of "vacation food" hanging on me. I had my finger pricked before drinking the glucose drink (slightly stronger and sweeter than the one you drink for the one hour test), and my blood sugar was normal before I started. After one hour, I was stuck again. BS was supposed to be at 190 or less, and I was at 180. After another hour (during this time I went to Amy Head to visit my sweet friend and makeup guru Claire), I was stuck again and for the last time: my BS had to be at 165 for me to pass, and it was at 98!!! My nurse said I was good to go and didn't have to be pricked a third time--good because my fingers were getting a little sore!
I also had another ultrasound, and although I didn't ask for it, my ultrasound tech flipped the screen to a 3D version. I guess it really doesn't count because Vaught was moving so much that we couldn't see anything except for an eye and him sucking his little fingers! I could just barely make out what was going on in there, but I didn't ask for any printouts. I told her I didn't plan on having one of those fancy 3D/4D ultrasound packages done and she said, "Good because he probably wouldn't be still for long enough!" He's definitely a wiggle worm and officially 3 pounds and 12 ounces--he has gained a whole pound in just three weeks!
Since I live an hour from Oxford, I also talked to my doctor about when I would know for sure that it's time to head to the hospital once contractions and all the fun labor things start. He explained how all of that works and let me know that if labor didn't start on its own, and I really feel that it will, he probably would not allow me to go past September 29th unless it was just "convenient" to do so. I kind of feel like I was told that no matter what, we're going to have a baby here by September 29th, which is both scary and exciting!
I go back in three weeks for another checkup. I'll be around thirty-three weeks then. Saturday, August 9th, we have our maternity photos, which I'm actually excited about!
I have to give a shout out to my cousin Audrey Anna who drove all the way to Oxford from Tupelo just to have lunch with me today--I had pizza and COCA COLA and a High Point Coffee iced latte and muffin later on and loved every bit of it!!! It was nice to indulge a little without worrying about my blood sugar!
Blueberry muffin from High Point Coffee! |
I have but one bump photo to share with you from Sunday morning before the gym. I discussed some other things with my doctor today that I would love to share with you now, but it's going to have to wait until the week 32 update because this mama needs a little nap :)
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