"Tell us more about you. People are interested in hearing about what you're up to..."

So much has happened in the past several months. It's been hard to keep the blog updated like I used to, and that's disappointing to me; I really love my blog! I love that y'all are reading, and I love interacting with you!
But I admit that I've been giving most of my attention to building my home-based business (I told myself I wouldn't call it by name in this post) and I've put this blog on the back-burner.
I didn't realize until somewhat recently that I unintentionally created some speculation about what's been going on/what's happened in my life in the past few months. I've left my friends and family out of the loop and that was never my intention. At all. So I realize I have some things to fill you in on.
This will probably end up being a longer post than I would like, but I'm hoping you can bear with me.
In February, I landed my dream job at a makeup store in Oxford, MS. I quickly found that I had a knack for it. I connected with people and wanted to help them. I enjoyed the social part as much as I loved the actual painting on women's faces.

I walked into work on April 13th, my third wedding anniversary, and was told that I was no longer needed as an employee. That's what happened with that. I know some of you have wanted to ask me. I'm so thankful and grateful that you didn't.
Understandably, I was hurt and confused. I was given no clarity when I reached out to my boss, who was in Ridgeland at the time, and who had also told me from the beginning what a blessing I was to the store, to her brand.
I was hurt. Angry. And unemployed. On my wedding anniversary.
Back-tracking just a little, my husband, Eric, was never supportive of my job as a makeup artist. He thought I was wasting my time (and gasoline). He was frustrated that I'd picked makeup over a factory or desk job. He didn't like that I wasn't clocking in 40 hours a week. I was convinced that he didn't want to see me happy.
From February through April 13th, my husband and I didn't talk much. When we did, it was the mundane, "How was your day?" "Good." "Thanks for dinner." "Goodnight."
I began sleeping with my back to him. He was frustrated with me, and I resented his lack of support.
But on April 13th, I called him before leaving Oxford. He's a machining instructor at a college in Memphis and was on spring break, so he picked up the phone and for the first time in a while we actually talked. Of course I was crying my eyes out and could barely speak, but I realized how much I needed him, how much I'd missed him. Marriage is funny like that.
He told me I'd have to start looking for a job the next day. I didn't tell him this, but I wasn't going to. I had absolutely no intention of finding another job. Say what you will; that's not me being selfish or me being stupid or me being "immature."
I knew God was doing something. I couldn't really explain it; I just knew it with my whole heart. We were four months into 2016 and look at what I'd been through already.

I loved my business I was working from home, and it was my goal from the beginning to make it my full time income.
So I went after it. And I did it.

At the end of May, I went Diamond. Five months in, I went Diamond. Diamond is the first major leadership level of our company and it comes with a salary that exceeds the one I made as a teacher.

It took him a little while, but Eric came around. I totally, 100% understood his stress. I did. The time in between was a little scary, and I know it was driving him crazy thinking, Can she do this?? Our family needs it, but can she do it?
But I did.
I was browsing at Target on a Friday night recently when I got a call from Eric, who was on his way home from his workout.
"I just want you to know I'm proud of you. I was skeptical in the beginning, but look at where you are now..."
I think that was when I realized that he really, truly does have my back. And I have his.
I love my job, love what I'm doing. I hate what happened with my job at the makeup store. It was completely out of left field, so unexpected, so without reason, and, yes I'll sound 12 years old for a moment, it was unfair. But I knew that in order for me to truly move forward, I'd have to make peace with it.
The day I was "fired," (gosh that sounds awful), I went home and dove into my Bible. I looked up and read scriptures about some of God's toughest leading ladies (Mary, Ruth, Esther for example). I adopted Esther 4:14 as my new favorite verse, the verse that perfectly defines where I am in life. "Perhaps this is the moment for which you were made."

I had lunch with my mother not long ago, and as we discussed everything that's happened in just three short years, I concluded that perhaps these things had to happen. They were meant to happen, to bring me to where I am now. Without the heartache, the hurt, the disappointment, I wouldn't be nearly as strong. I wouldn't be the woman I am now. I still have a long way to go, guys. But I'm better than I've ever been.
Are things perfect? No. Will they ever be perfect? No. But they're wonderful. And even through struggles, I'm learning to appreciate exactly where I am. A little at a time, I'm accomplishing really spectacular things.
Have I mentioned how amazing I think you all are?? Thank you so much for not giving up on me. Thanks you for being faithful readers and some of the most supportive friends I never thought I'd have. Thank you for your constant love and endless support for me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
You're all so dear to me.
Come back Monday for a fitness update!!!
Loved this post Kate! Thank you for sharing with us, I know that can be hard. So glad you have found something that works for you!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Justine :) Thanks for always being so supportive of me and this crazy life!