I rolled out of bed Friday morning, looked at myself in my "selfie mirror" that hangs outside my bathroom door, and said these exact words to myself.
"Who are you and what is wrong with you?"
I didn't care that I was already running ten minutes late (welcome to my life, seriously). I couldn't shake the feeling that something was different about me. Something was wrong.
I didn't realize it at first, but not having Eric for a week (he was at a training in Indiana) changed me. Initially, I was okay with it. Whatever, I can deal. I like being alone sometimes. By the end of the week, I felt drained. Empty. There was nothing left in my tank.
I stayed up late Friday night. Like, really late, for me at least. I think the last time I looked at my clock it was after two. Luckily, Vaught slept from 5:45 that evening until 8 the next morning, so I still got a decent amount of sleep.
Stress from work has been getting to me, to the point where I collapse on my desk in the afternoon. No, I'm not miserable. I love my job actually. I'm just so exhausted by the end of the day that by the time I have a chance to catch a little break I start stressing about the next day.
So I gave myself all the time I needed to get caught up Friday night. I drank three cups of coffee and did a few jumping jacks when I felt tired. I have lessons plans made for the next two weeks and I am almost done with all of the PowerPoints that go with them. Knowing that the only thing I need to do for the rest of the week is make copies and grade my kids' daily work takes a load of stress off of me. So there's that.
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Such sweet comments from a lady who observed me teaching one day! |
But me without Eric... I have always prided myself on how independent and self-sufficient I am. I swore I married him because I loved him and no other reason. I swore I didn't need him, just wanted him there. I mean, is that okay? It doesn't mean I have to be this whiney, clingy wife who can't function without her husband nearby. Right?
I have never missed anyone so much in my entire life.
No, it wasn't because I had Vaught all to myself. He's such an easy baby and actually was in bed before seven each night. I didn't have to cook all week and the only "cleaning" I did was sweeping the kitchen floor and a bit of laundry by the middle of the week. But the achiness and emptiness I felt without Eric there... I can't even explain it.
By Thursday, I was ready to call and beg him to come home. I had never felt so alone.
So, while sitting at the kitchen table grading lesson plans Saturday night, my heart skipped a beat when I heard the garage door opening. There was only one person it could be.
My Eric.
He walked in, and I ran into his arms like a child. We stayed up talking and visiting and doing other fun things for hours. We woke up Sunday morning and went to church together. We held hands on the drive there and on our way back. We made a quick, simple lunch, and I finally unglued myself and went to the gym.
Once there, I felt a little more peace settle down within me. I started to feel like "old me." Eric told me to take the afternoon to myself, get coffee, grab any groceries for the week, so I did. I went to Starbucks where I worked on some more stuff for school for two hours. A lady I used to work with at my first high school came through the drive-thru; I texted her and she came inside and visited with me for half an hour. It was awesome catching up, Amanda!
I went to Aldi (my very first Aldi outing) and got everything we needed for enchiladas Sunday for--wait for it--$15!!! OMG. We've had an Aldi for nearly two years now, and I can't believe I've just now shopped there. Definitely going back!
I called my sorority sister and "Groving" friend Tyler and we made plans for the game this Saturday. I went to bed Sunday night feeling happy and peaceful and totally at ease.
If you every have those days (or a few weeks) where you feel stressed out, crazy, and completely out of your element, take it from me: hang in there. Say a prayer, grab your rope, and hang on.
Give it time. It gets better.
Good advice! Sometimes all you can do is just push through those bleh times!