I've got to keep this one rather short because it's imperative that I post tonight; at the same time, I'm anticipating a loooooong day tomorrow, and I've got a few posts that need to be scheduled for this week! Lots to get done before my official bedtime of 11PM!
We decided in January that we would definitely spend Easter Sunday with Eric's family in Meridian, MS. Vaught was born in September, and Eric's grandmother still hadn't met him. We were apprehensive of travelling so far with a newborn, so we wanted to wait until he was at least half a year old.
A few days ago, my mother made the suggestion that we drive to Potts Camp the night before for my great uncle's birthday party then stay the night at my parents' house--that would be a little extra sleep we got on our end! So, Saturday afternoon we loaded up all five Paces (me, Eric, Vaught, Ginger, and Lola) and made the forty mile journey to my childhood home in Potts Camp.

Vaught was to-die-for in his froggy jumper, and of course we had to stop for coffee first! My mom loves for me to bring her whole beans from Starbucks, and I was dying for a coffee frappucino!
We attended my great uncle's 80th birthday party, which was a lot of fun! Vaught was blown away by so many people, but he was as friendly as ever. Earlier that morning we'd been to his six month appointment, and his doctor told us not to be surprised if Vaught begins to show a little "stranger anxiety" in the coming weeks. I've not seen it yet at all. He was held and passed around by lots of people Saturday night, and he just grinned and giggled as usual.
We took a rib roast to my parents' to cook for dinner, so we did that after the birthday party. I was so excited about our little sleepover at mom and dad's; this was also Vaught's first night away from home!
We got up early Sunday morning and went to sunrise service at church. Vaught didn't get to have his first Easter at church for regular service, but we're happy he got to attend sunrise. He did so well outside in forty-five degree weather for the service. He giggled and "happy screamed" during the short sermon!
I wore yoga pants, a t-shirt, and a sweatshirt to sunrise service. When we got back home, we immediately packed our things for the drive to Meridian. Since it was only eight in the morning, I decided to keep my Easter outfit (a dress and sweater neatly folded on the clean floorboard of Eric's truck) in the truck, with the intention of changing into it once we arrived in Meridian. My mom fixed me my favorite coffee drink for the road: a little coffee, lots of heavy whipping cream, and whipped cream on top :)
Vaught slept from Potts Camp to Brookesville, a little town about twenty miles south of West Point, MS. We pulled into a Dollar General in Brooksville, where I purchased a toothbrush and toothpaste (I'd forgotten mine and couldn't stand my nasty breath another second). Back in the truck, I made Vaught a bottle and sat in the backseat to feed him for ten or fifteen miles further down the road.
When he was finished with his bottle, I climbed back into the front seat and proceeded to search for the hairbrush I'd been using on my hair during the trip (yes, I brushed my hair for once). I was beginning to think maybe it had fallen out of the truck at Dollar General, when I turned around in my seat to search our bags in the back floorboard. I was moving things around when I smelled it. I said a four letter word I rarely say. "Do you smell that?" I asked Eric. Of course he said no, but I knew my nose wasn't fooling me, and I knew immediately what it was. I was more familiar with this smell than I'd like to admit.
I kept moving things around, picking them up and smelling them, trying to locate where, exactly, it was coming from. Then I saw just under the edge of the seat my Easter outfit folded neatly. I said a few more words I probably shouldn't have as I pulled them out from under the seat and smelled them. I nearly gagged.
I know you're going to think this is disgusting, and it is, but it's just life. Ginger, my fourteen-year-old weiner dog, can no longer hold her bladder for very long. Lola, our four-year-old pit bull, can go hours on end without tee-teeing, but Ginger just can't. Ideally, she needs to be let out to use the bathroom about every two or three hours. And if she doesn't make it in time? It's awful. Her urine has the most awful stench... Her vet has always told us that it's a dachsund thing... Anyone else's weiney dog have this stinky issue??
So yes, Ginger had peed all over my Easter clothes. The dogs weren't with us on our way to Meridian, so obviously she had done it on the way to Potts Camp the day before. I have no idea how we didn't smell it! It seems like it was just a little bit though, plus the clothes had somehow ended up under the seat. I was sitting there cursing my sweet little dog, but then I felt bad because I'm sure she shoved them under there out of embarrassment. Anyway, that is why we did not do family photos on Easter Sunday... That is why I wore a sweatshirt and yoga pants to Easter dinner with Eric's family.
With that aside, we had a great time at Outback Steakhouse in Meridian! I was so glad that Eric's grandmother and aunt and uncle got to meet Vaught. He was chatty and happy the entire time until he just couldn't stay awake anymore and conked out! He slept for nearly an hour on the seat beside me.
As fun as the trip was, we were all excited to get home to Olive Branch. Vaught was asleep almost as soon as we pulled into the driveway, and I decided to go do a short cardio workout at the gym.
These last photos of Vaught were taken at a gas station in Tupelo; he was being too cute after his diaper change! He's always happiest after a fresh diaper!
I'm literally falling asleep as I finish this blog post, but I have to add this last little bit. Sure, I was pretty upset about my Easter outfit that is now being washed with lots of detergent in our washing machine! I was a little bummed that we didn't get a nice family photo today like everyone else, but I also realize that that is not at all what's important about today. I am thankful for my Lord and Savior every day, but Easter is about celebrating His defeat of death and the grave! He died for you and me so that we could have eternal life with Him in Heaven some day! Now that sure beats the heck out of a nice outfit, don't you think?!
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