I absolutely hate the month of February. Hate is such an ugly word, and here I am in the middle of filling my life with positivity!! But I really do hate February. I hate how it's still winter but so close to spring and how I can't keep up with whether or not we're getting 28 or 29 days of it. I also really really really dislike Valentine's Day. More on that tomorrow.
So, to brighten up this lovely first day of my least favorite month, I made a list of a few goals, personal ones and ones that pertain to my blog, that I hope to accomplish in February. I'm determined to make this usually crappy month a good one!
1. Lose six more pounds. There are exactly four weeks in February this year (28 days--I checked), and this means 1.5 pounds each week. I can do it!
2. Meatless Monday: I am vowing to go meatless one day of the week this month! I enjoy eating the delicious animals God put on this gorgeous green earth exactly for that purpose, but I'm always up for trying something new! I know a lot of people who do one day a week without meat, so I'm excited to give this a try! It will be interesting finding other sources of good protein on this day; bring on the beans, nuts, and peanut butter!!!
3. Have a guest post on Keeping Pace. More on that tomorrow, but I'm really excited about this! One of you had better volunteer, or it's going to be extremely awkward.
4. Participate in a blog link-up. All this time I've been blogging, and I still haven't got link-ups and link parties completely figured out. But I'm going to! I'm excited to do this as soon as I can learn how!
5. Put $250 in my savings account. I'm trying to build my savings account by putting in a little every couple of weeks. Eventually I hope to be able to put the small (still very small) funds I make from blogging straight into my savings. Wishful thinking!
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