I attempted breastfeeding in the beginning and actually did really well with it. Vaught even latched on at just one day old. I nursed strictly for precisely three days then gave him a few bottles at four and five days. By day six, I decided to bottle feed and couldn't be happier. He gets fuller off of bottles and sleeps better, and I know he got that first little bit of breast milk that's really good for him. Okay, enough about my boobs... He's doing wonderfully with formula! I'm very thankful that he doesn't have a sensitive tummy.
He's also sleeping on his tummy now... Don't give me any flack; our pediatrician said do what works! Besides, we all slept on our bellies. He will sleep for about 45 minutes at a time on his back but is getting three to four and a half hour intervals on his belly. He's such a big boy!
As for mama, I feel fantastic, though this is a little new. I remember getting in the back of my husband's truck with the baby as we were leaving the hospital that Saturday when it really hit me: we're going home. We're on our own now. No nurses to come get him when we need a little rest. No doctors on call to come to our rescue. I cried silently in the back seat half of the drive home. From there, things kind of went downhill. I cried the entire first week. I couldn't help but think of all the what-ifs and the many things that could go wrong. I was eating a piece of toast with crunchy peanut butter in the morning and nothing else. I was happy but sad at the same time. Last Thursday night, I cried for two hours because I couldn't believe he was already a week old.
Basically, I was losing it a little.
My aunt brought us dinner that Thursday night, and I couldn't help myself. She was rocking him and trying to talk to me, and I suddenly said, "Okay, I'm sorry but can I just cry? Can I please cry?" And I just let it all out. By midday the next day, Friday, I had called my doctor and was given a prescription for a mild antidepressant. I don't mind sharing this tidbit because I think all women should know how very normal it is to feel overwhelmed with a new baby. It's the most joyful thing in the world, but it's such a sudden change. It'd be a little strange to not be overwhelmed! Anyway, I have done wonderfully with the medicine and am really grateful to have called my doctor. I was embarrassed at first, but he assured me that I was totally 100% normal. And that everything was going to be okay. And you know what? It has been!
So at two weeks postpartum today, I am two pounds from the weight I was at my first appointment. I am ten pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. I feel great and can't wait to return to the gym at some point this weekend for some mild cardio! I'm really impressed at how quickly my body seems to have healed from pregnancy and delivery. I never thought I would feel this good after only two weeks!! It helps to know that Vaught is so perfect and healthy; he is going to be a BIG boy!
And to top this short post off, can I just say that there is nothing like that first glass of wine after not consuming alcohol for nine months? My mother-in-law treated me to a bottle of my favorite white zinfandel and this super classy new "wine glass." Ahhhh!
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