Wednesday, December 20, 2017

c h i c a g o

"Hard to leave, harder to stay."

I feel that those words are the very best way to sum up my nine (count 'em-NINE) days in the Windy City. I left on Friday, December 8th and returned Sunday, December 17th. Nine days felt like blissful eternity while I was there, and then I walked through the door of my home, greeted my pup, hugged my child, and realized that I'd only been gone a minute or so.

Isn't it crazy how time passes and yet it doesn't??

So many people wanted to know why I was there and why I was gone for so long. I think a lot of people had their speculations because I wasn't saying much about it, but it was entertaining hearing the theories, I have to admit. I was there as a "companion" to my best friend, Lindsay, who had a minor procedure done on Friday, one week after our arrival in the city. Due to the nature of the procedure, she had to be there several days prior so that the hospital could monitor her for a short while every morning leading up to the day of the surgery. That's really all you need to know about that!

Aside from her appointment every morning, which I didn't have to attend, we had a full day ahead to do as we pleased, and we tried to fill the trip with as much sight-seeing, eating, and shopping as we could. Lindsay has visited Chicago probably two dozen times; her youngest brother is actually in college there and is a gymnast on the men's gymnastics team, so she and her family are familiar with the city as if it's their second home. For me, this was my first time--I was a total Chicago virgin (I've had two layovers at O'Hare, but I hardly feel that that count as "visiting Chicago").

Our plane left just before 8PM Friday night from Memphis, TN, and we were in Chicago just after 9. Our hotel was a cozy Hampton Inn right off Michigan Avenue, lovingly referred to as the "Magnificent Mile." I ended up walking this mile several times during our trip. There was so much to see!

We started bright and early Saturday morning--at 7AM. We Ubered to a pre-game party before making our way to Wrigleyville for TBOX (Twelve Bars of Christmas). It was the first bar crawl I've ever done and while the experience was fun, I'll be totally fine if I never do another. We were supposed to make it to twelve bars, but we actually only made it to three, plus a Starbucks and a pizza joint to get some food on our pretty much empty stomachs (not the best combination when mixed with alcohol).

The coolest part was seeing Wrigley Field, where the Chicago Cubs play. I'm not a baseball fan at all, but after the Cubs' World Series win last year, it was obviously pretty cool to see their home field and all of the Cubs memorabilia in the city. I feel like there's a love for the Cubs that's just slightly more passionate than the city's love for the Bears!

We returned to our hotel room by 4 that afternoon, and we both passed out and slept til after 7. It was a very much-needed nap and then food was a must! We ate at Grand Lux Café, right on Magnificent Mile. The view was amazing!

On Sunday, we ventured over to Millenium Park to see the BEAN. I have always seen people's pictures in front of this giant silver pinto bean (at least that's what I think it is), but of course I never thought I'd get my chance to see it too!

We trekked down Mag Mile to get there, and we walked right past Trump Tower. It is, in my opinion, the most beautiful building in the city. Every time I passed it, I couldn't stop staring at it. It stays lit up at night and is just a stunning structure to look at. One of our Uber drivers told me I would be astounded if I saw the one in Vegas. I don't see how it could possibly "trump" the one in Chicago though, but that could just be my Mississippi talking.

We made it a goal of working out every single day while we were in the city, and I'm proud to say we accomplished it! In addition to all the walking, we were each in the gym at least once every day of our trip! These made for lots of laughs and cute gym selfies... Because if you don't #gymselfie, did you even work out??

I think it's after Monday that different parts of the trip seemed to run together. Lindsay has friends in the city, so one day she spent most of the afternoon visiting people she knew and while I'm not antisocial at all, I decided to take a day to just hang out in the hotel. I brought my laptop, so I got some work done, signed up a couple of new customers, and watched Netflix. While there was a lot to see and we definitely did a lot of sight-seeing and running around, I was also grateful for some time to just be alone. If you're a mom, you totally get it!

I'm not staying true to my blogger platform if I don't throw in some photos of the food we ate while in the Windy City! I finally got to indulge in real Chicago-style pizza in a hole-in-the-wall pizzeria off Michigan Avenue.

I'm also really proud to say that I felt like I became a "regular" at Timothy O' Toole's Pub on North Fairbanks, about a three minute walk from our hotel. It was a cool place to meet residents of the city and get a drink when I wasn't quite ready for bed (I think I visited four or five times during our stay).  Lindsay came with me one night, and we ended up ordering dessert--the chocolate climax. It only took about two minutes for us to wonder why we thought dessert was a great idea after going to town on their California fries.

Saturday was our last full day, so we walked about a mile to Navy Pier; next to the Bean, it was the second most exciting thing I wanted to do, though I'd had a number of locals tell me that I wouldn't be too impressed this time of year. So this is me admitting that yes, I'm glad I saw Navy Pier, but no, I wasn't super impressed. It was really cool seeing the Ferris Wheel and the boats coming in, but aside from that, there wasn't very much to it.

I absolutely loved every minute of our trip; it was more fun than I'd had in a while! But I was missing this little guy so much while I was gone. When our plane landed in Memphis, I sprinted through the airport to meet him and his dad in baggage claim. I scooped up all fifty-five pounds of him and smothered him in kisses until he'd had enough of me and wanted to see the airplanes again.

I'm so thankful that we made this trip happen and that Lindsay allowed me to be her trusted companion for her procedure. Without saying too much about it, I'll just say that she did an amazing thing; someone is going to be very blessed because of her!

The fun we had and memories we made are just an added plus. Of course there are things I can't disclose on my blog.. We are, after all, KATE & LINDSAY 2.0 and hilarious stories seem to follow us everywhere... Luckily we are meeting for coffee tomorrow night to recount our entire trip and laugh about all the crazy things that happened that I can't talk about here :)

If you're from Chicago or frequent the city often, I apologize if these pictures don't do it justice--I would have to agree, they don't! But I'm so glad I finally got to visit and I can't wait to go back! Next time, I'm bringing my good camera and I'm shooting for two whole weeks in Windy City!!

For now, I'll settle for some coffee from my Chicago mug and snuggles with my little guy on this chilly morning!

Saturday, December 2, 2017

27 Things to Know

It seems like I did this post two years in a row on my birthday (September 18th)... If I didn't, I certainly should have.

I'm nearly three months late, but here's 27 things to know about me in my 27th year of living.

1. I love to clean but only out of my own accord (translation: don't ask me to clean). I love how good I feel and how great my house looks (for about 10 minutes) when I'm done.

2. I love the smell of tea tree, but I'm highly allergic to the actual oil.

3. I am also allergic to latex, and everyone always loves asking me how I made this discovery.

4. I'm a human spell-check.

5. I could eat cereal for every meal and never tire of it.

6. I have met and gotten a book signed by Patton Oswalt (voice of Remy in Ratatouille, also starred in "The King of Queens").

7. I prefer appetizers over desserts.

8 .Since 2016, I have followed BYU Cougarette Dance Team on all of their social  media channels. I also watch (and rewatch and rewatch) every single dance video they post to their YouTube account.

9. I've published poetry in 3 different books.

10. I can't stand the sight or sound of someone licking their fingers.

11. I've developed an enormous distaste for buffet-style restaurants and no longer eat at them.

12. I have a stellar memory for things people wear. I can't tell you what gifts I received on all of my birthdays, but I can tell you what I and everyone else was wearing at my birthday parties as far back as age 10.

13. I'm bad luck with vacuum cleaners and have broken at least 6 in the past 4 years.

14. I never wear a matching pair of socks.

15. I love to cook and bake!

16. If I had to become a die-hard fan of any other SEC school, it would be Tennessee.

17. The night I gave birth to my son, I watched college football on the delivery room TV in between pushes.

18. It took me 3 years to earn a four year bachelor's degree. It took me four years to earn a two-year Master's degree (#becauselife).

19. If I could live anywhere else in the U.S., I'd settle for Charleston, SC.

20. I don't plan on having more children, but I'm open to adopting an American child in the future, if it's the Lord's will.

21. If I could give myself a new talent or skill, it would be home design/decorating. I am no good at that, but I wish I was! Joanna Gaines is everything I wish I could be when it comes to home décor style!

22. I sang our national anthem at an event in middle school and because I got so emotional during the song, I never did it again. #Murica

23. Coffee does absolutely nothing for me except taste amazing--unless it's our Keto Coffee of course haha!

24. I'm a sucker for good conversation.

25. I get my eyelashes filled with extensions every two weeks because I hate mascara and refuse to wear it.

26. At some point in my life, I want to create a habit of spending every Thanksgiving morning volunteering by serving a meal to families in need. (I'm ashamed to say that I have not made this opportunity a priority yet, but it's a passion I hope to ignite next year)!

27. Nothing is as relaxing to me as a Friday night at my desk with my laptop, notepad, and a cup of coffee... Kinda like right now :)

Have an amazing week/weekend, you guys!

Monday, November 13, 2017

I am not afraid to embarrass you.

I used to cancel appointments with no disregard for the appointment holder's time, business, income, or pride and passion for his or her job.

As a sophomore in college, I remember scheduling a facial night with a consultant from a skincare company with a few girlfriends at my apartment in Oxford. I canceled the day of the event with the excuse that I'd forgotten about my first date party that night with my sorority. Had I really forgotten? No. I just had no respect for her time and figured it wouldn't hurt to wait until the last minute.

I have shown up to car lots, test-driven vehicles, talked business with car salesmen and lot managers, only to say "Okay, maybe I'll be back tomorrow," and walk away. Knowing at the time when I did this that I was in absolutely no position to purchase a new vehicle, I now wonder (now that I know better) if by wasting that salesperson's time, I kept him or her from closing a new car deal with a serious customer.

I used to make hair appointments and cancel at last minute. I almost always had a good excuse, never revealing the true one, which was probably that I couldn't afford whatever I wanted done to my hair that day.

I'm a little ashamed to say that I was in my mid-twenties before I truly gained a respect for others' time and stopped being so damn selfish. Now here I am, owner of my own little growing empire with a home-based business, and I am encountering similar situations from potential customers and business partners almost weekly. In the beginning of my business, probably in my first year, I dismissed many of these "ghosters" with the assumption--the correct assumption, I've learned--that most of them will eventually come back around. I'll have a young mother or college student come to me desperate for a means of making some extra money, and if she ghosts, she usually comes back when that medical bill or tuition statement or credit card bill comes in and she realizes something in her life must change.

I have talked to many people who have struggled with their weight just like I have, seen my success implementing ItWorks into a healthy lifestyle change, and they want to try the products too. When they dip out on me, I'll hear from them again in a month or two when their "fat jeans" are no longer zipping or they step on the scale at a doctor appointment to see that they've gained even more weight.

I'm constantly in prayer for the people who reach out to me about my business, whether for the opportunity or simply for the products. I seriously talk to God about these people each and every day. I ask Him to show me how I can help, lend an ear and a hand, and just be a friend to them. I know how it feels to be broker than broke. I know how it feels to be horrified at struggling to get size 18 jeans to zip or to be winded after climbing one flight of stairs.

Like I said, for a while I let people occupy my time in concerns to my business, and when someone did ghost on me or stop responding to me or even block me, I let it go. Thus, I also had to let go of the time, usually hours on hours, that I spent texting or messaging with them, giving them advice, empathizing with them, and helping them map out a plan to make their situation, whatever it may be, better.

So can I just say here on my personal blog, as opposed to anywhere else, that I am no longer afraid to call you out? If you're one of those who comes to me with all your questions and I give my time and attention to you and in a matter of days or weeks you seem to vanish off the grid, despite continuing to share news stories and memes on social media, get ready, sweetheart. Because I am coming for you.

(Cue Blondie's "One Way or Another.")

It's not that I want to embarrass or intimidate you. It's not that you're a crappy person or that you intentionally did a selfish, crappy thing, but I'm running a business here. This is not a hobby. This is not play-time money (well, some of it is, I mean #theselashes). This is how I make a living and provide for my family. This puts food on our table, pays the bills, grows Vaught's savings account and a retirement fund for me. This is our emergency medical fund, gas and electric bill, health insurance. This is clothes for Vaught, and an oil change when I need it.

I hope you understand me when I say that I do not play about this. At all.

It's not okay to take time from me to talk about products or an opportunity that could quite literally change your entire life and then ghost out when I attempt, multiple times, to follow up with you. Doing that doesn't warrant you to assume that I "get it" and will leave you alone. As a matter of fact, it's bound to do directly the opposite; I'm more likely to assume that you're scared and running low on self-esteem--if you weren't, you wouldn't be so intent on avoiding me. And if you're scared, I want to help. If your self-esteem is that low, I want to help even more.

If you come to me about trying a product that you've seen me use or post about, and for whatever reason you change your mind and decide now is not the best time for you to try it or you don't have the money to spend or for whatever reason you just decide to not do business with me, I hope you know that it is 100% okay. I say "no, thank you" to businesses, products, and services all the time, and no one is hurt because of it. No relationships are ruined because of a polite no. If you talk to me about the business, about the income potential, about joining my team, and then for whatever reason (usually fear), you decide now is not the best time for you to get started, you can let me know. Your "no" doesn't ruin my business, believe me. Your decision to wait doesn't hurt me in the least bit--but I do appreciate you're letting me know. That's the courteous thing to do, guys!

So I have to let you know--because it's the entire point of this very honest blog post--that I'm not afraid to confront you if and when you do this. When I see you in the flesh, I'm not afraid to ask you what's up, why you ghosted. I don't care if you're at the semi-annual Victoria's Secret sale with your mom and sister or at the movies with your boyfriend or at a three-year-old's birthday party... I'm not afraid to embarrass you. I'm mildly pleased at watching you sweat as you realize you've been caught, cornered, and confronted (I'll never understand why this terrifies some people so much). I'm watching as it dawns on you that you realize I am 100% percent serious and that I don't play about it, and that this is exactly why I'm successful at what I do.

If you're one who has said "no, thank you," at some point, whether we'd been in touch just once or a hundred times, know that this isn't for you and you are merely reading for entertainment. Thank you for being courteous and for doing the right thing.

If you're reading this and thinking that I'm a total deranged psychopath, know that that couldn't be further from the truth. I'm no more upset than the skincare lady I cancelled on that afternoon during my sophomore year of college. I'm no more upset than the hair stylist I used to cancel two-hour appointments on at last minute. I'm no more upset than the salesperson at the car lot who just spent an hour with you and passed up multiple serious buyers letting you test-drive vehicles you had no intent of buying. I'm no more upset than the floor workers in a retail store who have tended to your every need for the past hour only to have you walk out and leave a mess on the dressing room floor, or the restaurant server who kept your drinks refilled and gave you that extra ranch for free and was left without a single tip. I'm no more upset than the insurance agent who spent hours helping you compare quotes but is left wondering if you died or simply decided to use another company.

This is me telling you, friend, that it's okay to say "no, thank you" to me. It's okay to explain your fears or hesitations; it's okay to admit to me that you're scared! It's okay to say you've prayed about it and decided it's not for you right now.

I simply ask for the respect of letting me know, the same respect that should be shown to any business owner who spends time with you and is helpful to you. It costs time and money or us to successfully run our businesses so that we can help you. But it costs absolutely nothing to be courteous and kind.

Let me know. Because if you don't and I see you out doing whatever, I'm coming for you. I will make a beeline in that grocery store. I do not care if your mama's standing right there or if you're holding your friend's baby. I'm not afraid to embarrass you.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Keto Hot Chocolate

FINALLY... Finally, finally, finally cold weather is upon us! Bring on cozy sweaters, tall boots, thick scarves, gorgeous leaves, warm bonfires, and, of course, hot chocolate.

Hot chocolate has always been one of my favorite fall/winter drinks. It's rich, creamy, and chocolate, in any form, just has a way of soothing the soul. I honestly never liked the hot chocolate that you bought in packets and poured over hot water. Every now and then I could get my mama to use milk and cream to make real, authentic hot chocolate--topped with marshmellows and/or whipped cream too!

Last fall, I bought a box of Starbucks' original hot cocoa mix, and I am so serious when I say it tasted exactly like the hot chocolate you could order right there in store. It was an investment in my kitchen, but not to my waistline. I gained about 20 pounds last fall, and drinking so many of these, on top of other bad habits, definitely didn't help. Just one serving of "regular" hot chocolate has about 50 grams of carbs and 43 grams of sugar; these are my carb and sugar allowances for TWO whole days!

So basically I could enjoy one of Starbucks' hot chocolates... if that's all I consume for 48 hours (LOL). We all know that's not happening!

So I did some digging (and Pinteresting) and found several keto-friendly and low-carb hot cocoa recipes. I mixed one up and tailored it to my tastes, as well as to what I already had in my kitchen, and I wound up with an amazing hot chocolate recipe that satisfies my sweet tooth and fits inside my macronutrient goals! I probably wouldn't drink this yummy concoction every night, but once or twice a week is totally doable for my personal goals!

The recipe contains just 5 ingredients, one of which is optional! Keep reading!!

1/2 Cup unsweetened almond milk (regular milk will work too)
1/2 Cup heavy whipping cream
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
2 teaspoons Truvia (or your preferred sweetener) This is the ingredient that's optional! I made a second batch without the sweetener and it was just as delicious! I honestly couldn't tell a difference!
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


In a small pan, heat the milk, HWC, and sweetener (optional) to a boil then turn on low heat. Stir in your unsweetened cocoa and vanilla extract and whisk until there are no chocolatey clumps!

Remove from heat and serve in mugs after it's had a couple minutes to cool... I actually say screw this part--I like my hot chocolate HOT!!!

This makes 2 servings, about 8 ounces each!!


For ONE serving, this hot chocolate has:
9 g carbs
25 g fat
2 g protein
222 calories

This is with the Truvia; without it, you save about 4 grams of carbs, so that's something to remember!

If you try it and love it, please comment and let me know!