I've just been putting my home-based business first and have been working my booty off on building it up! Y'all, if you're not on my ItWorks team, can you please tell me WHY?
Again, we're playing catch-up because so much has happened!
I left on Thursday, July 7th, for my best friend Tyler's bachelorette bash on the beach (there a good alliteration for ya) in Orange Beach, Alabama. We had such an amazing time; I was so sad it had to end!

Unfortunately while I was with my friends at the beach, I learned that my weiner dog, Ginger, passed away. I knew before I left Wednesday night that she wasn't in good shape; she was moving really slowly and just wasn't herself. I loved on her and kissed her goodbye, but I still never imagined she'd pass while I was gone. My husband wrapped her in a blanket and drove her to my parents' house to bury her. I will miss my little girl, who would have been 16 in November, but I know my Nannie is loving on her in Heaven.

Eric and Vaught arrived Sunday afternoon and we checked into our condo, about half a mile from where my parents and family were staying. We spent the week sleeping at our condo, but the rest of the day was with my family. We lounged by the pool and circled countless loops in the Lazy River at the condo. It was so relaxing--just what I needed!!

My parents allowed Eric and I a date night Wednesday night, which we enjoyed very much! We had a burger at The Gulf, this really fabulous restaurant right on the beach, then went for coffee and ice cream after.

We left for home Friday morning around 8. After having been gone more than a week, it felt so good to be home! It's funny how we need a vacation sooo bad sometimes, then once it's over we're so ready to get back to the familiar. I'm excited to get Vaught and I back into a routine this week!

I'm not focusing so much energy on losing weight anymore, but I know I still need to lose a little in order to be healthier. I'm really comfortable in my skin and the size I am right now, and that's so important and keeps me going on the days I have slip-ups, but I realize what my body needs in order for it to be even stronger and healthier.
In the next week or so, I'm going to try to get a good fitness update on the blog! I'll keel you posted!
I hope you all have a fabulous week! Tell me a little about your summer vacation in the comments!!
Love to you!
I hope you all have a fabulous week! Tell me a little about your summer vacation in the comments!!
Love to you!