The day after I joined
ItWorks! Global, I got an email about a New Year's party at the home of one of the distributors. She's a Diamond level distributor (I think!) and ItWorks is her full time job. I didn't know anyone who was attending, but I knew I had to go.
This is your opportunity to meet some of these amazing women, I told myself. I do well in environments where I don't know many people, but it was still intimidating not knowing anyone. Literally. Even my upline, Chelsie, I'd never met in person!
I walked in carrying three
Mississippi Magazines (they turned out to be a major icebreaker later--score!) and for about five minutes I stood awkwardly in the kitchen, smiling at everyone who looked at me.
Someone please come talk to me! I silently pleaded. People were steadily introducing themselves to me, but for some reason I could not bring myself to say more.
Compliment her shoes!
Tell her you love her sweater!
Yes, Kate, you would freakin' LOVE some champagne! Accept a glass!
You're seriously not going to take the champagne?
Ask her if she got that shirt at Loft: you have the same one!
All of these thoughts ran through my head, but I was keeping quiet like a little mouse, sipping my champagne in the corner (yes, I finally got a glass) and smiling politely at anyone who looked my way.
Finally, I went and sat down in a chair next to a sweet lady who introduced herself as Priscilla. I'd noticed she wasn't chatting with anyone either, so I took that as my opportunity to get my mouth moving. She told me she'd been with the company for a few months but had a little trouble opening up to people and talking to people she didn't know.
She then asked me for pointers.
And that was all it took to get me going. From then on, I made a point to say hello everyone I could. My upline, Chelsie, came in a little while later, and it was so nice to finally meet her in person! I could tell from our conversations she was
my "type of person," so I loved finally getting to meet! (She's a Triple Diamond, and she is goals).
Kaitlyn, Chelsie, and me |
My upline, Chelsie. She is the sweetest person! |
Each of the Diamond leaders got to give a little speech with their best advice for new Distributors and those who are working their way up. I'm one of those people who takes advice and runs with it. I was standing there taking mental notes, and I've been applying their advice to the way I do my business. These are women who are my age and are working full-time on their own schedules. They have a passion for this company just like I do, and I can't wait to join their ranks!
Then it was time to make dream boards... Think of it like scrapbooking! We were cutting pictures and quotes out of magazines that inspire us to reach our goals with the company. I'll tell you a little about my Dream Board below!
I'm not entirely artistic, and I'm not entirely finished with my board. I plan to continue adding to it as I reach goals and set new ones. In the top center, you'll see "Help us help Mississippi kids." Guys, I will never stop wanting to give back to my community, my state, to the world. I want this extra income so I can start donating to charity and causes I'm passionate about again.
I have two photos of "dream homes" on the board. I love our simple little home, but we are quickly outgrowing it. It's our dream to build a home of our own, or find the perfect one, perhaps somewhere outside of city limits. Eric has also expressed interest to me in living in Tennessee so that he's closer to work. I want a home big enough for Vaught and our dogs to roam and play.
On the bottom left, you'll see pictures of engagement rings. Not only do those symbolize my dream of going Diamond by the end of 2016, but I also want an engagement ring.
This is where it gets a little personal, and Eric probably won't be thrilled with my sharing this, but it's my blog :) We hit a rough patch financially a few months after having Vaught. It was around Christmas time, and we were literally living paycheck to paycheck. We really needed money one day... For our car insurance, our electric bill, our gas bill. All the bills were piling up, and we were exhausting our outlets for getting money. So, I went to a pawn shop and sold my engagement ring and wedding band.
Yep. Eric didn't ask me to; in fact, I did it and then told him about it, and he was so upset with me. But I did what I thought I needed to do. I loved my rings because Eric picked them out for me himself. I know you don't have to have a ring to show your faith and dedication in your marriage, but I sold that symbol because my family needed money more than a ring on my finger.
Eric understands, and we've talked about it several times. He's promised me that I will get new rings, just like I've promised him that it really doesn't bother me. And it really doesn't. But at the same time, I want that symbol back, I do. So, he's told me that once we're truly stable again, no questions about it, I will get my ring. Hell, he's said he'll propose all over again if I want him to. What a sweet man I have!
With ItWorks, I know that all these goals I have for myself and for my family can be accomplished. We have unnecessary debt that I hope I can eliminate with my commissions and bonuses. It's so important to us that Vaught attend private school, so I hope I can begin saving for his tuition. We have very little back-up savings, so I hope that I can help build us back up. Two years ago, we had at least a couple thousand saved up because we made far more than what we actually needed, but you never know what life is going to throw at you, and I've learned to be okay with it.
I honestly wouldn't trade where I'm at now for anything. I'm learning to appreciate and see the beauty in the struggle, and that's an amazing thing. ItWorks is what I want to do. I want to be with this company because I believe in it. I am a product of the products, and I love the friendships I'm building along the way.
I hope you've all enjoyed getting an inside look at what we crazy wrap ladies
really do. And if you wanna know more, you know how to get me :)