Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sorority life so far...

.... It's overwhelming, to say the least. Do I love it? Absolutely. Is it stressful? Hell yeah.

Everytime I open my email there's something else that I have to do or another event I have to go to for Phi Mu. I've waited for months to be in a sorority, and now that I am I realize how much work goes into it. Writing for the newspaper, I do enough already, and now with this, it all just feels like too much sometimes. And I'm only 2 weeks in. I know it'll get easier as time goes on, and I get better at managing my time, but right now I'm like seriously always on the verge of tears. I guess now I know how my mother, who never even gets to sit down, feels. Like her, I've always had the tendency to bite off more than I can chew. I honestly just feel like a fork in the road is coming, and I'm gonna have to choose between 2 things I love: writing for the newspaper, which could spoil a career in the newspaper at my college, and being a member of Phi Mu, which instantly means no more fun with the girls that I've come to love already. I don't wanna have to choose, but I just feel like that's where I'm heading. Well, guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there. For now, off to tutor. Then Theta Encore practice, where Phi Mu will DOMINATE.
